Fairtrade University and College Award

14th Aug 2018 12:00 – 13:00

The Fairtrade Foundation and the NUS have formed a partnership to redevelop and deliver the Fairtrade University and College Award.

The new award recognises a wider range of ways that institutions are engaging with Fairtrade, and offers greater opportunity to develop activities year on year.

NUS research tells us that 90% of students say they want to buy more products that don’t harm the people that produce them and 84% say they trust the Fairtrade Mark the most of all product marks. There is a huge appetite amongst students to understand the impact the products they buy are having on the people and the planet along the supply chain, and to buy ethically sourced products. It is so important to enable students to have access to information about this at a time when there are forming their values and habits for life. The partnership between the Fairtrade Foundation and NUS and the pilot institutions has allowed the development of a robust but achievable set of standards for the revised award.

The new award scheme will build on existing offers, taking on board previous feedback from the sector on what institutions truly value, as well as what changes they would like to see, such as more scope for continual improvement, recognition of their wider ethical sourcing efforts and more ideas and support to engage students, staff and their wider community with Fairtrade in new ways. It will work differently in that institutions will need to register and pay as they start to work on the award, in order to gain access to the support and resources on offer.

Please note there are 2 webinar sessions scheduled as follows:
For full details, click here. View this event on the EAUC website →