College Energy Training - Managing AMR Data (Glasgow)

30th Aug 2016 09:30 – 13:00

After the success of the first College Energy Management Training we are continuing the programme with two half days training sessions; either Glasgow or Edinburgh, specifically on handling AMR data.

For practical purposes and to allow for a hands-on learning experience, these sessions will be held in a computer lab allowing each attendee access to relevant energy data and manipulate their own data to obtain the information described above. Mabbett staff will demonstrate how to manage and utilise data, and how to overcome problems with your system.

Mabbett will conduct training with an emphasis on understanding, managing and exploiting AMR (automatic meter reading) data. This refers to the practice of automatically recording and collecting consumption data from energy or water metering devices. In many cases colleges across Scotland are equipped with meters capable of providing AMR data, however this data is not being effectively interpreted and used as a tool to improve energy performance for a number of reasons.

Such data can often look daunting and incomprehensible when displayed as a spreadsheet containing tens of thousands of cells, however with the right approach a great deal of useful information can be obtained. This will help understand how energy is used at your site.

Useful insights include:
• Identifying and quantifying the largest energy users at your site;
• Understand the patterns of consumption and the factors that influence them;
• Identifying poor equipment control and managing your building optimise control features

The above data can be displayed graphically and used to improve energy performance by highlighting periods of excessive consumption and creating energy reduction targets based on appropriate and quantifiable energy performance indicators.

A similar session will also be run on Thursday 25th August in Edinburgh - to book this event pleasse register here.

Any question please contact Rebecca Petford.

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