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EAUC Events

Other Events

  • A Guide to Decarbonisation – introductory webinar 1: Foundation Plans – 2nd October 2024

    AUDE’s newly published ‘Guide to Decarbonisation’ is a fantastic new resource to help universities think from scratch about their plans for decarbonisation of the campus.   Every AUDE member university knows that decarbonisation of the estate sits high on the institutional task ...

  • Net Zero Universities: The Role of Heat Networks - at the Danish Embassy – 3rd October 2024

    Heat networks form a key part of the UK’s transition to net zero by 2050 and are particularly suited to high-density areas such as a university campus. They supply heat from a central source through a series of insulated pipes carrying hot water, removing the need for each individual building ...

  • 2nd Transatlantic Symposium on Sustainable Development in Higher Education – 10th October 2024 to 11th October 2024

    Introducing the UN SDGs in Higher Education Institutions The scientific, cultural, and diplomatic relations between Europe and its partners in North America are very strong. From a scientific point of view, this long-lasting cooperation has been taking place across a wide range of areas. This als...

  • A Guide to Decarbonisation – introductory webinar 2: Enhanced Plans – 10th October 2024

    This is the second of two introductory webinars focusing on the new AUDE publication ‘A Guide to Decarbonisation’. Please also look at our listing for the first of these. Depending on the level of maturity within your organisation on the decarbonisation theme, you may wish to attend the ...

  • Climate Action and Capacity Building for Higher Education Students – 17th October 2024

    Registration is now open for a Global Thematic Dialogue that will consider global youth perspectives on climate education as well as explore roadblocks and opportunities for integrating youth perspectives into decision-making.   Presented by the International Universities Climate Alliance (IUCA) a...