Embedding sustainability across the institution: strategies and challenges

Tags: ESD | conference | strategy | presentation | holistic | challenges


Plenary presentation from 18th EAUC Annual Conference 2014

Stream: Leadership and Governance 
Competancy level: All


There are widespread calls for corporate responsibility within institutions to move from their traditional focus on environmental management towards more encompassing strategies that address corporate responsibility and sustainability across core activities.

Much groundwork has been done to provide frameworks to facilitate this shift. But how are the principles of managing for sustainability transformed into workable strategies and practices that become integral to institutional culture? In this session, Sally Hibbert and Andy Nolan explore ways to approach the development and implementation of a comprehensive institution wide strategy for sustainability and the challenges along the way.


Sally Hibbert Associate Professor in Marketing, The University of Nottingham and Andy Nolan, Director of Sustainability, The University of Nottingham.