Edie’s 'How to embed the SDGs in your sustainability strategy'

Tags: strategy | webinar | SDG | SDG Accord | Sustainable Development Goals | United Nations | Edie | Embedding SDG


This 30-minute masterclass from Edie will break down how organisations can effectively align their sustainability strategies with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The SDGs put a spotlight on some of the world’s biggest issues, with individual Goals ranging from ending poverty and achieving food security through to combating climate change and ensuring access to sustainable energy. In this light, the Goals represent a catalyst for low-carbon innovation and new market opportunities for businesses to embrace and drive sustainable growth.

But how should an organisation choose which of the 17 Goals are most relevant and applicable? Whose responsibility is it to raise awareness of the Goals and ensure they are being taken seriously? And ultimately, what should come first: the global framework, or the sustainability strategy?

The masterclass see's Carolina Karlstrom, director of sustainability advisory and coaching business Jade Advisory, break down exactly how sustainability departments can capitalise on the opportunity presented by the 17 SDGs, which all 193 UN member states are now using to frame their agendas and policies through to 2030.

Key Discussion points are:

  • This skills-focused session will explore:
  • Bridging the gap in awareness of the SGDs among business and society
  • Collaborating and sharing best-practice on the SDGs
  • Measuring impact on each of the Goals and setting business priorities

To access the webinar click the link at the side of the page, this requires you to enter your email address if you do not already have an Edie account.