EAUC writes to MPs encouraging them to embrace the Sustainable Development Goals

Tags: SDGs | Sustainable Development Goals | MP | MPs


Iain Patton, Chief Executive of the EAUC, has written to a number of MP's to encourage the government to fully embrace the potential of the Sustainable Development Goals and to emphasise tertiary education's crucial role in their implementation. The letter was cosigned by the University and College Union and the National Union of Students.

You can read the full text of the letter below.

Sent to:

- The Rt Hon David Cameron MP - Prime Minister

- The Rt Hon Stephen Twigg MP - Chair, International Development Committee

- The Rt Hon Justine Greening MP - The Secretary of State for International Development

- The Rt Hon Mary Creagh MP - Chair, Environmental Audit Committee

- The Rt Hon Jo Johnson MP - Minister of State (Universities and Science)

Regarding the UK Government’s implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals

We welcome the recommendation from the International Development Select Committee that the Cabinet Office takes the lead on the Sustainable Development Goals. However, we also remain to be convinced that responsibility for domestic implementation should lie with the Secretary of State for International Development.

The Global Goals for sustainable development present us with a new agenda for developed and developing countries alike which now requires a cross-Government approach. To be achieved, the Sustainable Development Goals must be on the radar of every Secretary of State and Minister. Accountability for delivery must be in each Single Department Plan.

As leading further and higher education bodies, the Environmental Association for Universities and Colleges, the University and College Union and the National Union of Students are keen to explore how universities and colleges can support the Government in engagement and implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals . Our view is that the tertiary education sector has a vital role in ensuring future leaders are ready to deliver the global goals, as well as providing the research, knowledge and learning that will be essential in their success. We call on the government to access this expertise and to engage with tertiary education to capitalise on the opportunities that the Sustainable Development Goals present.

We are already working closely on the Sustainable Development Goals  with groups like Universities UK and the Association of Colleges, as well as the funding councils. We hope the crucial role of civil society in achieving the Goals is recognised by the Government and that Government will work closely with civil society organisations such as ourselves on their implementation.

We believe that we can do more and wish to do so, so we are keen to meet with you to explore how we might be able to support the Government over the years ahead.