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Tags: PBCCD | governance | emission reporting
EAUC Scotland has created a self-assessment checklist summarising the key statutory and non-statutory expectations of Scotland's colleges and universities in relation to Public Bodies Climate Change Duties (PBCCD) reporting and sustainability leadership.
The checklist has been developed in response to the following national policies and guidance:
How to use the checklist:
This checklist summarises the key actions expected of Scotland’s colleges and universities under the current statutory and non-statutory guidance set out by the Scottish Government. The checklist should be used to rapidly assess areas where an institution is meeting or exceeding expectations, as well as identify leadership blind spots or gaps which need follow up action on to meet guidance expectations.
Ideally the checklist should be completed through an internal Sustainability Committee or similar, with input and discussion from Board-level sustainability sponsors if they are not part of the Sustainability Committee. Through this route the checklist exercise can also become an internal engagement and knowledge-sharing opportunity.
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