This category recognises achievement in the development of academic courses, skills and capabilities relevant to sustainability. These can be vocational, undergraduate or postgraduate courses or related to wider purposes such as community involvement, global or environmental awareness or to support lifestyle changes.
Examples of possible application topics include:
Applications can be made for activities connected with academic courses if there is a practical focus on the development of specific skills which goes beyond the normal activities of the disciplinary curriculum, e.g. running community-based projects which give students considerable autonomy and develop their communication, management abilities etc.
Possible applicants for this category include: Higher Education institutions; Further Education colleges; adult and community and work-based learning providers.
Displaying 13 results
One of Nottingham Trent University’s strategic aims is to ‘provide a learning and working environment that inspires and promotes a culture of ambition, community and...
The 2014 Green Gown Awards Winners’ Brochure which explores the journeys all these institutions have taken.
The project has provided students with an exciting opportunity to participate in a unique elective module which explores the principles and practices of sustainability
This collaborative project between University of the West of Scotland (UWS), SAUWS (Students Association UWS) and NUS, sees sustainability being embedded into teaching at UWS
Final year honours Geoscience students are ‘para-professionals’ in their subjects. Students design, develop and deliver resources and materials for science and...
South West Energy Centre is a unique multi award winning facility providing advice, guidance and training to industry and consumers in all matters relating to the Low Carbon Sector
Education for sustainable development was utilised to address environmental and health concerns within the existing care curriculum framework.
The Environment and Public Policy MSc embraces and offers an excellent grounding in sustainability, managed ecosystem exploitation, and new and unfamiliar challenges
Linking the part time/distance learning (DL) students with the full time students has facilitated the opportunities for shared learning.
Jessica Saunders has woven her passion and knowledge of sustainable fashion through its flexible courses in Fashion Media, Design & Realisation, Business, Branding and...
In 2014, the University of Nottingham offered its first MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) called ‘Sustainability, Society and You’
Nurses have limited knowledge of sustainability and are poorly equipped to deal the challenges working in a changing environment brings
EAUC is delighted and proud to announce the Green Gown Awards finalists 2014 - all vying for the most prestigious recognition of best practice within the tertiary education sector.