Disposal of Chewing Gum on Campus - Nov 2015 Member Responses

Tags: waste | recycling | Member responses | chewing gum | Gumdrop


Disposal of Chewing Gum on Campus - Nov 2015 Member Responses image #1

Nicola Daly, Environmental Sustainability Manager and Pamela Brandwood, Energy Manager, Edge Hill University sent the following message to the NW Region network and the Members’ network respectively,

“We’ve been approached by Gumdrop as a way to alleviate the problem of chewing gum on pavements etc. They claim that several universities already use them so I’d appreciate hearing the pros and cons from any of you.

Alternatively has your university managed to resolve the chewing gum issue in another way?”

EAUC Member Responses

Members can download the response. You will need your EAUC log in  to access this resource.