Green Gown Awards – 2015 – Carbon Reduction

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Carbon Reduction

This category recognises initiatives which have achieved significant reductions in the carbon footprint of an institution through the likes of:

There is no presumption that institutions will have participated in the Carbon Trust’s Carbon Management Programme, or other such activities, although activities connected with this are certainly eligible. Applications are only likely to be successful if they provide considerable quantitative evidence on the nature of the improvements made and demonstrate a causal relationship between activities undertaken and improvements achieved. Applications must also demonstrate real improvement, rather than precursor activities such as foot-printing or setting of targets.

Provide quantitative clear data to support claims being made and include overall tonnes of CO2 saved using the DEFRA/DECC conversion factors Include, where appropriate, metrics such as: carbon savings relative to output/activity. This might be tCO2/student or tCO2/staff member and/or cost of a project relative to the amount of carbon that has been saved, i.e. £/tCO2

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