Universities and colleges are increasingly seen as vital players in the growth and innovation for climate adaptation. Engagement with wider society and, in particular, business and industry is often central to these activities, which can become a new revenue stream. Also, the nature of relationships between business, industry and institutions is an good measure of social responsibility, to the extent which all parties are committed to benefitting wider society.
Compiling an Annual Sustainability Report is not only a great way to assess progress over a fixed period, but it's also a fantastic way to engage staff, students and the...
The Stern Review was published by the Treasury in 2006, and outlined the economic case for acting on Climate Change.
Sustainable Development in Higher Education: Current Practice and Future Developments. A report for The Higher Education Academy (2005).
A guide to developing cross-professional learning opportunities and tools.
The pack has been produced by the Post-16 Citizenship Support Programme to help the integration of citizenship education into post-16 education and training. It forms one of a...
This report by the New Economics Foundation highlights the UK interdependence with the rest of the world in an accessible informative way and is a useful resource for exploring...
This curriculum guide highlights ways in which you can create the conditions to allow sustainable development to be embedded in the curriculum by supporting your staff to make...
An introductory guide to teaching and learning for sustainability in HE.
The research on which this document is based showed that curriculum leaders within Further Education and other learning organisations are taking action on embedding sustainable...
This guide reviews 20 standards and guidelines relevant to sustainable development.
This work explored ways of promoting organisational innovation and cultural change within a management systems framework.
This guide, written by London Sustainability Exchange and the Learning and Skills Network, looks at good practice and has recommendations for further action.
A review checklist that assesses organisational performance against the SIGMA framework.
The Earth Charter is a declaration of fundamental principles for building a just, sustainable, and peaceful global society for the 21st century.
Iain Patton, Chief Executive of the EAUC, has written to a number of MP's to encourage the government to fully embrace the potential of the Sustainable Development Goals...
A new linking tool has enabled schools and colleges to identify their National Network for Collaborative Outreach (NNCO).
At the beginning of April 2016, the Bristol Green Capital Partnership invited audiences to join us for a lunchtime talk (with Q&A) by Jonathon Porritt.
We hope you enjoy this brief journey through some of the visual highlights of Bristol's Green Capital year.
The Environmental Association for Universities and Colleges (EAUC) has provided a letter of support for the Latin American Universities for Fair Trade initiative.
In April 2016, EAUC-Scotland invited Adaptation Scotland to run a workshop on Adaptation aimed specifically at Scottish universities and colleges. The workshop was designed to...