Behaviour change in action presentation

Tags: carbon reduction | community | behaviour change | staff | green champion | stakeholder

A presentation from the EAUC Annual Conference 2012 which helps you to continue the learning and inspiration.

Topics covered

Cranfield University have a Carbon Management Plan target of 50% absolute cut in emissions by 2020. To achieve this requires the engagement of staff as the first steps towards wholesale culture change. They have developed their team of Green Champions to lead Behaviour Change across campus and have made substantial progress in cutting Carbon through staff efforts. Central to all their Behaviour Change work has been widespread quantification, as a motivator for staff - and equally Senior Management.

Bedford College have a carbon reduction target of 35% reduction by September 2017. Sustainability, as a top level priority, is embedded into their curriculum and operations at all levels, driving carbon reduction action through all functions of the college. This also includes engaging external stakeholders and supporting local community initiatives.


Gareth Ellis, Energy Manager (Cranfield University) and Esin Esat, Director of Sustainability (Bedford College) with support from Dr Andrew Smith (Zap Carbon)