AUDE is the Association of University Directors of Estates, who promotes excellence in the strategic planning, management, operation and development of higher education estates and facilities. AUDE also offers membership to publicly-funded UK bodies whose primary remit is higher education teaching and/or research.
To find out more about AUDE, click here.
A summary document from AUDE about the Shaping Agendas report, plus the report itself, which provides further information on the relevant issues to higher education estates.
The data is collected annually and submitted to the Higher Education Statistics Agency, providing high quality benchmarking statistics critical to good estate management.
AUDE has published an aide memoire to the preparation of an Estates Strategy for members.
A video produced by AUDE and HEDQF as an exploration of the adaptive re-use of existing buildings by universities both at home and abroad.
Outputs from a meeting about the RICS Ska Rating scheme which S-Lab helped to organise on behalf of the AUDE Sustainability Group. It contains; a summary of the workshop content...
A short film showcasing some European universities and how they are distinguishing themselves with radical architecture, design and branding.
A paper which aims to assist senior managers deal with initiatives intended to reduce energy usage, carbon emissions, and other environmental impacts in universities and colleges
A guide from AUDE to assist in making the replace or refurbish decision.
A self assessment toolkit developed to promote consistent good-practice in Estates Management by enabling a good-practice standard
Information on AUDE's sub-group which works on sustainability and reporting to the Executive committee.
The AUDE Toolkit for a Sustainable Estate consists of tools and guidance. It assists estates professionals make best use of the physical assets of their university.