Any experience to share on devolving energy budgets? - Apr 2016 Member Responses

Tags: energy | Member responses | budgets | devolving


Any experience to share on devolving energy budgets? - Apr 2016 Member Responses image #1

Kirsti Norris, Carbon Budgets Manager, University of the West of England emailed the Energy & Water Community of Practice to ask,

“As part of our carbon reduction plan, UWE is embarking on an exciting project to devolve energy budgets to faculties and departments.

We are very open as to what this will involve – electricity / gas / water – and how it will be implemented, so are starting this journey by looking outwards, and enquiring into other’s experiences.

Has this been done at your organisation, or an organisation you know of?

I would be very grateful if you could contact me if you have any information and insights you may have on this (or suggestions of others who may have done it, or similar schemes).

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