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Find out how i-Clean Systems benchmarking and tender support helped University of Worcester engage in the circular economy, reduce carbon footprint and increase recycling by 20%.
recycling | waste management | circular economy | University Of Worcester | carbon footprint | benchmarking
Web Page
Find out how i-Clean Systems benchmarking delivered immediate improvements to University of Birmingham’s recycling and waste processes, and helped extract maximum value...
recycling | waste management | waste reduction | benchmarking | University of Birmingham
Zero Waste Scotland has launched a new initiative encouraging organisations to take action and reduce litter. The initiative is open to any organisation in Scotland that wants...
waste | behaviour change | FE | waste management | HE | Zero Waste Scotland | Waste Management TSN | Litter | initiative | ZWS | LPAP | Litter Prevention | Litter Prevention Action Plan | Community commitment | Litter and Fly-tipping prevention | Fly tipping
On Tuesday, 18th July 2017, the Waste Management Topic Support Network met to discuss Public Bodies Climate Change waste data reporting, If using reclaimed wood for bins could...
recycling | tsn | waste management | eauc | topic support network | Zero Waste Scotland | PBCCD | Scottish Government | University of Dundee | SSN | consultation | Public Bodies Climate Change Duties | Sustainable Scotland Network | Vegware | Litter | EAUC-S | 2017 | Litter Prevention | LPAP | Litter Prevention Action Plan | COPLAR | Recycle Week | Flytipping | Recycle Week 2017 | Recycling Policies | Code of practise for litter and refuse | Domestic Waste | Glasgow Wood Recycling | Keepcups | July
Web Page
As part of Swansea University's 2016/20 Strategy, Wybone are working with the University to achieve 90% recycling rate and zero waste to landfill.
Swansea University...
recycling | waste management | zero waste
Resources for the Waste Management Topic Support Network November 2016, University of Edinburgh
waste | Scotland | University of Edinburgh | tsn | waste management | topic support network | Zero Waste Scotland | Deposit Return Scheme | ZWS | Have You Got the Bottle | James Cropper | Bottle Return Scheme | CRNS | Community Resource Network Scotland | Changeworks
The Living Taking and Giving Back Library was developed by Margaret Jennings from Goldsmiths University of London. It is about discarded items that have been collected,...
waste | engagement | recycling | waste management
This bi-annual meeting of the Waste Management Topic Support Network on 23rd February 2016 discussed reuse and repair with guest speakers from REMADE in Edinburgh,...
waste | reuse | waste management | training | Zero Waste Scotland | Regulations | repair | donation | Pass it on Week
This training session is suitable for both Foundation and Advanced level delegates to participate in accredited CIWM training. Most modules are shared,...
waste | Scotland | resource efficiency and waste | waste management | training | CIWM | Chartered Instition of Wastes Management | waste smart
Pearl Costello, Environmental Officer, Royal Agricultural University emailed the Members network to ask,
“I’m just finalising our HESA EMR return for the year and...
recycling | waste management | data | contractors
The University of Edinburgh and Biffa are using their influence to help Scotland deliver its Zero Waste agenda. Staff and students are working with waste and recycling partner...
waste | recycling | University of Edinburgh | waste management | circular economy | recycle | partnership | zero waste | Biffa
Web Page
Researchers and practitioners at the University of Edinburgh have been working together to identify how principles of the Circular Economy can be embedded in Research, Learning...
waste | case study | research | University of Edinburgh | waste management | Learning and Teaching | circular economy | waste reduction | Operations
A case study on how Cambridge University Hospitals used smart monitoring to improve waste management performance.
case study | report | waste management | Cambridge
Waste reduction via implementing waste reduction and recycling initiatives by engaging with a wide range of stakeholders.
waste management | waste reduction | NHS | hospitals
This full day course is the official Chartered Institution of Wastes Management Foundation level Waste Smart Training, run by the EAUC in collaboration with trainer Dr. Ann...
waste | waste management | Edinburgh | training | waste reduction | CIWM | Chartered Instition of Wastes Management
Our Waste and Procurement Topic Support Networks met together on the 11th March 2015 to hold a day-long event on the Lifecycle of Electronics.
procurement | resource efficiency and waste | reuse | waste management | Sustainable ICT | circular economy | Procurement and Supplier Engagement | Disposal | electronics | ethical sourcing | health and safety | lifecycle | data storage | life cycle | data security
In this issue, we address the current sector hot topic - waste and the effect this topic has throughout your institution.
waste | waste management | topic | hot | hot topic
Web Page
WRAP provides online resource efficiency tools. The information you need to make savings for your business are quickly and easily available through WRAP. This includes case...
energy | waste | engagement | guide | case study | report | resource efficiency and waste | waste management | business | Utilities | resources | Partnership Engagement | Tools | value
The University of St Andrews implemented a compulsory in-house recycling scheme for staff and students. Working closely with the local authority they undertook a rationalisation...
waste | Scotland | Student Engagement | recycling | case study | higher education institution | resource efficiency and waste | Operational | estates operations | waste management | Learning and Teaching | Staff Engagement and Human Resources | Community and Public Engagement | Sustainable Construction and Renovation
Reducing Paper Use at Your Institution, an EAUC Insight Guide, provides guidance on reducing paper use and recycling waste paper, embracing other relevant aspects such as legal...
college | guide | case study | higher education institution | resource efficiency and waste | Operational | estates operations | waste management | eauc | Sustainable ICT | guidance | insight guide | Adult Education | Background Information