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A brief guide for UK colleges and universities giving an overview and signposting to resources on behaviour change and energy management measures to reduce energy usage.
energy | university | college | behaviour change | energy efficiency | guidance | energy management | energy saving | cost reduction | FHE | psychology | energy reduction | behavioural change | save money | saving energy | energy behaviour | energy guide | signpost | energy crisis | energy saving guide
A case study resource looking at Period Poverty as a global issue that can affect anyone with a menstrual cycle.
university | college | case study | Period Poverty
Not available
Our EAUC-Scotland Conference 2019, entitled the Elephants in the Room, included several breakout sessions. This page contains the resources from the workshop on Offsetting to...
Scotland | university | 2019 | University of Strathclyde | Glasgow Caledonian University | net zero | EAUCS2019 | offsetting | Caledonian
Not available
Since March 2018, Hey Girls has been working closely with partner schools, colleges and universities to help distribute period products. As free period products...
Scotland | university | college | guide | scheme | support | best | practice | Sanitary | menstrual | period | girls
Not available
The University of Edinburgh has passed a Palm Oil Policy setting out actions it will take to combat the negative impacts of unsustainable palm oil production. Central to...
university | strategy | University of Edinburgh | oil | palm
Has sustainability education been ‘tamed’ to fit with the performativity culture in which reporting and measuring ultimately drive practice? There are a growing...
education | university | learning | research | reporting | 2019 | influence2019 | influence | Canterbury | measuring | peter | sustainability activity | christ | church | nicola | kemp | rands
Influencing Senior Leaders- Insights from the Finance Director- Phil McNaull former Director of Finance, University of Edinburgh in conversation with Dave Gorman, Director of...
sustainability | university | leadership | 2019 | influence2019 | influence | Edinburgh | finance | dave | gorman | srs | phil | Infleunce 2019 | Phil McNaull | Dave Gorman | divest | mcnaull | invest
The Sustainability Challenge represented a simulation activity that challenges students to design a new University campus and justify their choices to a board of directors.
university | green | 2019 | influence2019 | influence | manchester | gown | University of Manchester | winner | challenge | Influence 2019 | lucy | sandra | lee | stellify | Millard | sustainability challenge | sustaiability
Vertically Integrated Projects for Sustainable Development” (VIP4SD), brings together students from different disciplines and all years of undergrad and postgrad study to...
university | SDGs | curriculum | 2019 | influence2019 | influence | SDG | projects | strathclyde | integrated | vip4sd | undergraduate | vertically | scott | strachan | paul | murray
At the University of Strathclyde the travel initiatives have ranged from providing innovative electric vehicles to improving cycling facilities and encouraging sustainable...
university | travel | sustainable | transport | 2019 | influence2019 | influence | strathclyde | Sustainable Travel and Transport | engagement programme | macnicol | spela | raposa | rona
Many attempts have been made to influence behaviour in a positive way e.g. recycling correctly, using design-thinking, participatory design, and choice architecture. However,...
university | behaviour change | change | 2019 | influence2019 | influence | behaviour | Warwick | Nudgeathon | participatory design | nudge | Alina | Udall | David | Chapman
Delegates had the opportunity to dive a bit deeper into the Governance Guide and Business Case Guide and also hear what this year’s Sustainability Institution of the Year,...
sustainability | university | guide | green | change | 2019 | influence2019 | influence | business | Edinburgh | governance | gown | case | leaders | motivation | dave | gorman | institution | Business Case Guide | Governance Guide | brown | michelle
This session offered insights from a research project entitled ‘Transition to more sustainable lives?: the impact of infrastructure and services on students’...
university | engagement | food | student | campus | 2019 | influence2019 | influence | Edinburgh | Influence 2019 | trust | fruit | infrastructure | vegetables | growing | student behaviour | edible | carnegie | rachael | howell
An energy efficiency consultancy and real estate researcher both based at Oxford Brookes University have joined forces to find energy savings.
energy | university | 2019 | influence2019 | waste management | influence | estates | lighting | savings | Oxford | consultancy | Brookes | jon | night | time | usage | cooper | michael | esvelt
This session offered the delegates the chance to hear from one of the University’s senior lecturers about how a new course is being constructed for The University of...
sustainability | education | university | SDGs | curriculum | Education for sustainable development | SDG | manchester | Sustainable Development Goals | goals | pedagogy | target | 2030 | united | nations | embed | stellify | jen | engage | o'brien
It brings together powerful networks of businesses and governments, in order to shift global markets and policies towards accelerating climate action
education | university | change | 2019 | influence2019 | climate | influence | global | government | higher | Climate Action | challenge | Warwick | global market | under2coalition | joel | cardinal
Palm oil and palm oil derivatives are ubiquitous within food-stuffs, cleaning products, cosmetics and the supply chain of these items
sustainability | university | policy | sustainable | staff | 2019 | influence2019 | influence | University of the West of England | Procurement and Supplier Engagement | bristol | UWE | sector | oil | west | palm | amy | palm oil | rainforest | jungle
This paper discussed the outcome of the research workshop called ‘Crowd Research’ conducted with final year undergraduate students at Nottingham Trent University.
university | recycling | research | 2019 | influence2019 | influence | data | innovation | Nottingham | Trent | analysis | crowd | Shin | Lia | Blaj-Ward Paul | Daniel | Whitehouse
The University of Winchester has teamed up with the conservation group Hampshire Swifts to develop a ground-breaking initiative to save the Swift population of Winchester.
university | biodiversity | 2019 | influence2019 | influence | Community and Public Engagement | collaboration | wildlife | ecology | winchester | Swift | liz | birds | bird | swifts | hampshire | harris
From research to practice: Developing interventions with influence. Bring Your Own Bowl (BYOB) is a food waste behaviour change and student community building intervention.
waste | Student Engagement | university | recycling | food | Green Gown Awards 2018 | green | 2019 | influence2019 | influence | innovation | bristol | gown | england | UWE | winner | free | surplus | west | drinking | bring | predrinking | own | bowl | colley | rachel