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The EAUC-Scotland Travel and Transport Topic Support Network met virtually on the 19th November 2024 to discuss how universities and colleges can encourage students, staff and...
travel | transport | tsn | topic support network | Travel and Transport | funding | survey | Cambridge | commuting | travel survey
The EAUC-Scotland Travel and Transport Topic Support Network met virtually on the 14th May 2024 to discuss how universities and colleges can encourage students, staff and...
travel | transport | tsn | topic support network | travel and transport tsn
The EAUC Scotland Waste Management Topic Support Network met virtually on the 23rd May 2024 to discuss how universities and colleges can encourage students, staff and visitors...
waste | recycling | tsn | waste management | topic support network | Waste Management TSN | EPS | Expandable Polystyrene Recycling | pops | polystyrene | persistent organic pollutants
Not available
On Thursday 20th January the EAUC-Scotland and Learning for Sustainability Scotland Education for Sustainable Development Topic Support Network met to discuss how to begin...
ESD | Education for sustainable development | topic support network | SDG | Teaching and Learning | curriculum mapping
Not available
The EAUC-Scotland Sustainable Construction Topic Support Network held a virtual meeting on the 12th May 2021, to discuss the current issues and opportunities regarding...
tsn | topic support network | sustainable construction | passivhaus | Scottish Futures Trust
Not available
On Thursday 11th March 2021, the Sustainable Procurement Topic Support Network met virtually to discuss:
Sustain Supply Chain Code of Conduct
Roundtable on...
Scotland | tsn | topic support network | apuc | sustainable procurement | HESCET
Not available
On Thursday, 29th October 2020, the EAUC-Scotland Sustainable Construction Topic Support Network held a virtual meeting to discuss the current issues and opportunities...
tsn | BREEAM | topic support network | sustainable construction | scottish funding council | Scottish Futures Trust | climate emergency collaboration
Not available
On the 23rd Sept 2020 the Energy & Water Management Topic Support Network met virtually to discuss opportunities and challenges and share best practice.
Presentations and...
energy | Scotland | tsn | water | topic support network
On 12th June 2018, the Travel & Transport Topic Support Network and ACT Travelwise met to discuss:
Addressing business travel: Improving data...
tsn | topic support network | sustainable travel | travel and transport tsn
Please note: This event took place on the 13th December 2017. The minutes and resources are available on the Sustainability Exchange here.
The Waste Management Topic...
waste | tsn | waste management | topic support network | Glasgow Caledonian University | Waste Management TSN | William Tracey | Field Trip | Waste plant
On Wednesday 30th August 2017, the Sustainable Procurement Topic Support Network met to receive updates from the Sustainable Procurement Leaders Group and HEPA National...
procurement | tsn | topic support network | Zero Waste Scotland | circular economy | PBCCD | Scottish Government | apuc | sustainable procurement | Public Bodies Climate Change Duties | HEPA | Equality | Athena Swan | BT14
On Tuesday, 18th July 2017, the Waste Management Topic Support Network met to discuss Public Bodies Climate Change waste data reporting, If using reclaimed wood for bins could...
recycling | tsn | waste management | eauc | topic support network | Zero Waste Scotland | PBCCD | Scottish Government | University of Dundee | SSN | consultation | Public Bodies Climate Change Duties | Sustainable Scotland Network | Vegware | Litter | EAUC-S | 2017 | LPAP | Litter Prevention | Litter Prevention Action Plan | COPLAR | Recycle Week | Code of practise for litter and refuse | Domestic Waste | Glasgow Wood Recycling | Keepcups | Flytipping | Recycle Week 2017 | Recycling Policies | July
EAUC-Scotland's Education for Sustainable Development Topic Support Networks, and Learning for Sustainability Scotland's FHE and Sustainable Development...
Scotland | engagement | SDGs | curriculum | Education for sustainable development | reporting | NUS | tsn | topic support network | Learning for Sustainability | education for sustainability | Sustainable Development Goals | Public Bodies Climate Change Duties | FHE | LfS | LfSS | PRME | Learning for Sustainability Scotland | National Union of Students | NUS Scotland | Outcome Agreements
Not available
On the 2nd of February, The Community Engagement Topic Support Network met at Glasgow School of Art.
topic support network | Community Engagement | Glasgow School of Art | Community Engagement TSN | Psychosocial Approach | Social Dreaming | CE TSN | In the Loop | Who if not us?
Not available
Resources from the Travel and Transport TSN held at the University of Dundee on the 5th of Dec 2016.
tsn | topic support network | Travel and Transport | ACT Travelwise | Cycling Scotland | travel and transport tsn | liftshare | Travelknowhowscotland.co.uk | Travel Schemes | Internship Programme | Carplus
Resources for the Waste Management Topic Support Network November 2016, University of Edinburgh
waste | Scotland | University of Edinburgh | tsn | waste management | topic support network | Zero Waste Scotland | Deposit Return Scheme | ZWS | CRNS | Bottle Return Scheme | Community Resource Network Scotland | Changeworks | James Cropper | Have You Got the Bottle
On Tuesday 4th October the Sustainable Construction Topic Support Network met at the University of Edinburgh to discuss current issues and priorities in sustainable construction...
construction | wrap | tsn | BREEAM | topic support network | wellbeing | Sustainable Construction and Renovation | sustainable construction | biomass | passivhaus | renewables | Ska | RICS | Construction and Renovation | BIM | Passive House | building modelling | SKA HE | building waste | building regulations
The EAUC Energy Management TSN and APUC Utilities UIG met at Borders College on the 17th August 2016 to discuss current priorities in utilities management...
energy | energy efficiency | topic support network | apuc | energy management | gas | electricity | Borders College | Scottish Futures Trust | sewage | SHARC
On 19th May 2016 the EAUC-Scotland Travel and Transport Topic Support Network and ACT TravelWise group met together at the University of Dundee for discussions on parking...
travel | transport | tsn | topic support network | Travel and Transport | ACT Travelwise | parking | electric bikes | Home Energy Scotland | Energy Savings Trust
On Tuesday 22nd March 2016, the Community Engagement Topic Support Network met at Glasgow School of Art for an event focusing on the use of social media by universities and...
Scotland | Student Engagement | engagement | tsn | topic support network | Staff Engagement and Human Resources | Community Engagement | Community and Public Engagement | communication | communications | social media | twitter | facebook