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The Travel Better Package Webinar on Tuesday, March 24th, 2020 provided attendees with practical guidance on how to use the resources available in the Travel Better Package to...
webinar | sustainable travel | travel better | air travel
Imperial College London published a new report last week titled ‘Behaviour change, public engagement and Net Zero’. The report outlines the potential for people to...
carbon reduction | sustainable travel | sustainable food | net zero | domestic heating
A team of travel advisers deliver advice to commuters on how to make their commute more sustainable. The advisers are trained during the summer, and deliver most of their travel...
SDGs | sdgcasestudy | sustainable travel | Glasgow Caledonian University | sustainable cities
ARUgreen is a comprehensive sustainability engagement initiative which is changing the culture of Anglia Ruskin University using an innovative gamification approach.
sustainability | engagement | 2019 | influence2019 | influence | sustainable travel | energy saving | Anglia Ruskin University | game | Ruskin | anglia | JUMP | fun | arugree | gamification | chubb | simon
A university bus company
sustainable travel | buses | staff travel
University of Edinburgh - Business Travel Emissions
emissions | sustainable travel | staff business travel | scope3
On 12th December 2018, the Travel & Transport Topic Support Network and ACT Travelwise group met to discuss:
Smart Parking with Liftshare –...
tsn | sustainable travel | ACT Travelwise | travel and transport tsn | Travel TSN
On 12th June 2018, the Travel & Transport Topic Support Network and ACT Travelwise met to discuss:
Addressing business travel: Improving data...
tsn | topic support network | sustainable travel | travel and transport tsn
Love to Ride UniCycle Pilot
Getting more students & staff riding by understanding behaviour change
Partnership with NUS and the EAUC
Department for...
behaviour change | cycling | sustainable travel | Unicycle | Love to Ride
EAUC-Scotland's 'Promoting Sustainable Behaviours Sharing Series' November edition discussed Cycling to Campus. We have produced this best practice document from the...
Student Engagement | cycling | sustainable travel | Promoting Sustainable Behaviours Sharing Series | Cycling Scotland | Cycle Friendly Campus | sustainable transport | cycle storage | PSBSS | Cycle facilities | Promoting Sustainable Behaviours Sharing Series: Cycling to Campus | Cycling to Campus | Cycling Behaviour | Cycling rates
The University of St Andrews have developed a 10 year cycling strategy to exceed the Scottish Government’s 2020 target of 10% of journeys being made by bike by...
community | travel | transport | sustainable development | Travel and Transport | cycling | sustainable travel | carbon footprint | Cycle Friendly Campus | statistics | cycle storage | Cycle facilities | The University of St Andrews | showers | Travel Strategy | The Bike Pool | City Cycle Scheme | cycle paths | Fife Council | Cycling Trends | Cycle RoutesCharter for Cycling | Bike lockers | Commute | Cycling Officer | Cycling Groups | Cycle to work Scheme
This workshop presentation is from the “Global Goals: Local Action” EAUC Annual Conference 2017, presented by Jayne Cornelius, Sustainable Travel Officer - Swansea...
travel | EAUCConf17 | sustainable travel | sustainable transport
The University of Winchester Sustainable Transport Initiatives.
student | travel | transport | staff | sustainable travel | sustainable transport | 2016 | travel initiatives | transport initiatives
Web Page
In this EAUC Member Spotlight, see how the University of Brighton has adopted sustainability as one of its core goals, as reflected in the institution’s Strategic Plan.
sustainability | waste | university | recycling | biodiversity | carbon reduction | spotlight | member | member spotlight | sustainable travel | sustainable food | Green Gown Award | University of Brighton | Brighton | green week | c-change | Green Growth Platform
Emily has been a pioneer for the University, carving a place for sustainability initiatives, generating University-wide interest & determinedly driving sustainability up the...
sustainability | awards | education | waste reduction | sustainable travel
Web Page
A tool which makes it easy to find out which top ten new cars have the lowest CO2 in their class.
emissions | economy | sustainable travel | cars