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This workshop presentation is from the “Global Goals: Local Action” EAUC Annual Conference 2017, presented by Joe Bourne, Student Engagement Manager - Lancaster...
waste | resource efficiency and waste | EAUCConf17 | resources
This workshop presentation is from the “Global Goals: Local Action” EAUC Annual Conference 2017, presented by Kirsti Norris, Carbon Action Manager - University of...
behaviour change | resource efficiency and waste | EAUCConf17
This training session is suitable for both Foundation and Advanced level delegates to participate in accredited CIWM training. Most modules are shared,...
waste | Scotland | resource efficiency and waste | waste management | training | CIWM | Chartered Instition of Wastes Management | waste smart
This presentation on 'Simple Energy Management through Utility Bills' was given as an afternoon workshop at the EAUC-Scotland Conference 2015 by Steven...
Scotland | conference | resource efficiency and waste | 2015 | Utilities | Zero Waste Scotland | EAUCS2015 | shared responsibility | energy management | Resource Efficient Scotland | utility bills
The attached slides are from an EAUC/SSN Workshop held on the 7th October 2015, designed for tertiary education institutions completing their Public Sector...
Scotland | reporting | resource efficiency and waste | emissions | climate change | estates operations | Utilities | Scottish Government | SSN | Public Sector Reporting | Public Sector
SEPA and Zero Waste Scotland's guidance document on procuring waste services for public bodies and their contractors, with a focus on preventing waste-associated crime.
waste | procurement | resource efficiency and waste | Zero Waste Scotland | Procurement and Supplier Engagement | Public Sector | SEPA | contractor | Scottish Environment Protection Agency | crime
Our Waste and Procurement Topic Support Networks met together on the 11th March 2015 to hold a day-long event on the Lifecycle of Electronics.
procurement | resource efficiency and waste | reuse | waste management | Sustainable ICT | circular economy | Procurement and Supplier Engagement | Disposal | electronics | ethical sourcing | health and safety | lifecycle | data storage | life cycle | data security
Web Page
Global carpet tile manufacturer, Interface, worked with Middlesex University on the refurbishment of Fenella House, Hendon Campus, to provide sustainable and innovative flooring...
leadership | sustainable | resource efficiency and waste | refurbishment | Utilities | carpet tiles
Web Page
World's largest carpet tile manufacturer achieves 100% renewable energy, virtually zero water in manufacturing and zero waste to landfill at its European manufacturing...
International | leadership | resource efficiency and waste | estates operations | Utilities | Leadership Governance | europe
From the EAUC Annual Conference 2014 at Nottingham Trent University - an interactive speciality workshop looking at displaying your sustainability data quickly and clearly by...
Student Engagement | student | conference | resource efficiency and waste | Operational | estates operations | Utilities | Staff Engagement and Human Resources | EAUCConf14
Web Page
It's very common for buildings to be lit up, heated and cooled even when there is nobody using them. This may be an obvious area to consider when reducing energy costs, but...
Student Engagement | guide | resource efficiency and waste | estates operations | Utilities | Staff Engagement and Human Resources | Sustainable ICT | Partnership Engagement
Web Page
A guide for using videoconferencing and collaboration technology to reduce travel and carbon emissions. How the right technology can be a usable alternative to physical travel...
guide | resource efficiency and waste | estates operations | Utilities | webinar | Travel and Transport | Sustainable ICT | videoconference
Web Page
The Rippleffect is a free online water efficiency tool which provides your organisation with a straightforward and structured approach to help you to: understand how much water...
efficiency | resource efficiency and waste | business | water | Utilities | Partnership Engagement | Tools | structure | reduce | organisation
Web Page
On Course for Zero Waste is a free online training course for English and Welsh small and medium-sized enterprises/organisations (SMEs). The course has been designed to give you...
waste | wrap | resource efficiency and waste | skills | business | training | Partnership Engagement | Tools | structure | organisation | environmental performance | modules
Web Page
WRAP provides online resource efficiency tools. The information you need to make savings for your business are quickly and easily available through WRAP. This includes case...
energy | waste | engagement | guide | case study | report | resource efficiency and waste | waste management | business | Utilities | resources | Partnership Engagement | Tools | value
Web Page
New research released by WRAP shows that the UK’s hospitality and food service sector is facing an annual bill in excess of £2.5 billion for food waste. The report,...
guide | case study | resource efficiency and waste | Operational | business | recycle | food waste | Partnership Engagement | resource | Action | industry | reduce | cost
Web Page
WRAP provides an online tool with advice and information for businesses in the hospitality and foodservice sectors, including actions and processes that can prevent food and...
waste | recycling | guide | food | case study | resource efficiency and waste | Operational | toolkit | Partnership Engagement | Tools | hospitality | packaging
Throwing food away costs much more than just the waste disposal bill; there is the cost of the food itself, the fuel used to cook it and the wages paid to staff to prepare it...
waste | guide | food | wrap | resource efficiency and waste | Operational | management | food waste | Partnership Engagement | hospitality | Action | solution
Web Page
You can put many measures in place to reduce energy use, but very few changes can be implemented, or the full benefits realised, without co-operation from users. Users need to...
Student Engagement | guide | resource efficiency and waste | estates operations | Utilities | Staff Engagement and Human Resources | Sustainable ICT | Partnership Engagement
The United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (2005-2014) highlights the fact that education is central to UNEP’s mandate of “inspiring,...
Student Engagement | biodiversity | guide | leadership | resource efficiency and waste | Operational | Learning and Teaching | Utilities | strategic | Travel and Transport | Staff Engagement and Human Resources | Community and Public Engagement | Sustainable Construction and Renovation | Tools | Leadership Governance