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The Public Bodies Climate Change Duties came into play in 2016 with annual reports due each November. The universities and colleges of Scotland are supported by SSN and the...
Scotland | FE | reporting | HE | PBCCD | Public Bodies Climate Change Duties | FHE | climate change act | annual reports
This training webinar, led by members of the Sustainable Scotland Network (SSN) Reporting Team, takes attendees through the 'Wider Influence' Section of Public Bodies...
reporting | training | PBCCD | SSN | Public Bodies Reporting | Wider Influence | Webiner | Sustsainable Scotland Network
A look at the 'Wider Influence' section of the Scottish Public Bodies Climate Change Duties Reporting which is due each year on 30 November
Scotland | university | college | reporting | webinar | training | PBCCD | SSN | Public Bodies Climate Change Duties | Keep Scotland Beautiful | Sustainable Scotland Network | Wider Influence | mandatory reporting | wider influences
The Scottish FHE sector submitted their reports for the first year of the required Public Bodies Climate Change Duties. The EAUC-Scotland have produced a analysis report with...
Scotland | reporting | PBCCD | Scottish Government | SSN | FHE | annual | Carbon Emissions | summary | analysis | recommendations
EAUC-Scotland's Education for Sustainable Development Topic Support Networks, and Learning for Sustainability Scotland's FHE and Sustainable Development...
Scotland | engagement | SDGs | curriculum | Education for sustainable development | reporting | NUS | tsn | topic support network | Learning for Sustainability | education for sustainability | Sustainable Development Goals | Public Bodies Climate Change Duties | FHE | LfS | LfSS | PRME | Learning for Sustainability Scotland | National Union of Students | NUS Scotland | Outcome Agreements
This workshop presentation is from the “Global Goals: Local Action” EAUC Annual Conference 2017, presented by Katy Boom, Director of Sustainability - University of...
sustainability | reporting | EAUCConf17
This workshop presentation is from the “Global Goals: Local Action” EAUC Annual Conference 2017, presented by Edward Naish, Assurance – PwC and fell under the Work...
sustainability | reporting | EAUCConf17 | PwC
Web Page
Resources from the 'Moving from Compliance to Leading Change' Summit at the EAUC-Scotland Conference 2017.
Scotland | conference | leadership | University of Edinburgh | reporting | adaptation | legislation | finance | EAUCS2017 | EAUC-Scotland Conference 2017 | EAUC-S Conference 2017 | Adaptation Scotland | Public Bodies Climate Change Duties | Keep Scotland Beautiful | compliance | climate change adaptation | policy and legislation | Leading Change | EAUC-Scotland Conference | KSB | Moving from Compliance to Leading Change | Policy Compliance | Climate Change Reporting | Sniffer | Finance and Sustainability | Integrated Reporting
Resources from the 'Carbon Footprint and Project Register Tool' Workshop arranged by the EAUC-Scotland on the 8th of March at Glasgow Caledonian University. The tool...
reporting | carbon footprint | emission reporting | Project Register | Carbon Register | Carbon Footprint and Project Register Tool Training Resources | Mandatory Carbon Reporting | CFPR | carbon emissions reporting
Presentation from the 'Moving from Compliance to Leading Change' Summit at the EAUC-Scotland 2017.
Scotland | conference | policy | University of Edinburgh | reporting | legislation | EAUCS2017 | EAUC-Scotland Conference 2017 | EAUC-S Conference 2017 | compliance | policy and legislation | Leading Change | EAUC-Scotland Conference | Policy Compliance | Moving from Compliance to Leading Change | mandatory climate change reporting | Edinburgh University | reporting for value creation | Internationhal Integrated Reporting Framework | IIRF | integrated thinking
Web Page
Government conversion factors for greenhouse gas reporting 2016
reporting | emissions | government | Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions | government guidelines | emission conversion
The Sustainable Procurement TSN met on the 3rd October 2016 to discuss a number of social issues related to procurement. Topics included:
The Modern Slavery Act
procurement | policy | University of Edinburgh | reporting | Procurement and Supplier Engagement | wellbeing | apuc | sustainable procurement | Public Sector Reporting | sustainability policy | Modern Slavery Act | slavery | Sustainable Procurement Strategy | modern slavery | Sustainable Procurement Duty | conflict minerals | community benefits | Living Wage Accreditation | living wage
"The evidence that sustainability is becoming a core consideration for successful businesses around the world grows stronger every day.
It is a powerful undercurrent...
sustainability | reporting | Suste Tech | KPMG
This workshop presentation is from the “Learning and Legacy: The Role of Education in Creating Healthier and Happier Cities” EAUC Annual Conference 2016, presented...
reporting | EAUCConf16 | sustainability report | green scorecard
This workshop presentation is from the “Learning and Legacy: The Role of Education in Creating Healthier and Happier Cities” EAUC Annual Conference 2016, presented...
sustainability | leadership | reporting | EAUCConf16
In April 2016, EAUC-Scotland invited Adaptation Scotland to run a workshop on Adaptation aimed specifically at Scottish universities and colleges. The workshop was designed to...
Scotland | reporting | adaptation | climate change | PBCCD | Adaptation Scotland | Public Bodies Climate Change Duties | Public Sector Reporting | adapt
Andrew Thomas, Sustainability Engineer, University of Warwick emailed the Energy & Water Community of Practice to say,
“This is my first time posting to this group....
waste | Member responses | reporting | emissions | scope 2
The attached slides are from an EAUC/SSN Workshop held on the 7th October 2015, designed for tertiary education institutions completing their Public Sector...
Scotland | reporting | resource efficiency and waste | climate change | emissions | estates operations | Utilities | Scottish Government | SSN | Public Sector Reporting | Public Sector
This free EAUC/SSN Workshop is designed for tertiary education institutions completing their Public Sector Climate Change Duties Report. The event will cover part 3 of the...
Scotland | reporting | climate change | government | workshop | SSN | scottish | Abertay University
This presentation is from the “Challenging Connections” EAUC Annual Conference 2015, presented by The EAUC, JC Carbon Consulting and Sustainable Scotland Network and...
conference | EAUCConf15 | reporting | eauc | eauc conference | Annual Conference