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West College Scotland highlight through their case study some of the barriers they have come up against in implementing their reusable cups scheme
The Brighton Waste House is the first permanent carbon negative public building in Europe to be constructed from approximately 90% waste and surplus material
The Rippleffect is a free online water efficiency tool which provides your organisation with a straightforward and structured approach to help you to: understand how much water...
New research released by WRAP shows that the UK’s hospitality and food service sector is facing an annual bill in excess of £2.5 billion for food waste. The report,...
Job description for the Carbon Reduction Officer at Coventry University
The Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) directive came into force in January 2007 and aims to both reduce the amount of WEEE being produced and encourage everyone...
Examples from five British universities on how they manage their waste. Links to websites of University of Aberdeen, University of Bristol, University of Derby, University of...
The Waste & Resources Action Programme’s 2011-15 Business Plan is designed to deliver the company’s objective to help individuals, communities and businesses...