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This session explored the role of UWE in influencing city scale decarbonisation.
Tags: 2019 | influence2019 | climate | influence | University of the West of England | bristol | Action | UWE | zero | decarbonisation | net | 2030 | IPCC | James | Longhurst | university and community involvement | neutrality | piper | kirst | noris | katherine
This session looked at how your institution could set carbon targets that align with the Paris Agreement and support a declaration of a climate emergency.
Tags: carbon | emissions | 2019 | influence2019 | influence | net zero | targets | climate emergency | zero | Credentials | target | net | 2030 | scope | carbon targets | 2050 | suzie | chalk
The University of Edinburgh has released its Adaptation Framework, to fit in with its aim of becoming net zero by 2040. This feeds in to the overall vision that the University...
Tags: university | change | adaptation | climate | Edinburgh | Plan | heating | zero | net | warming | 2040 | emission
A presentation from the 2011 Conference about creating a ‘Net Positive’ institution.
Tags: sustainability | engagement | student | positive | literacy | net
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