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This hour long event is part of a series called 'Realigning Curricula for the Future' aiming to support specific subjects to implement sustainability in their...
ESD | learning | teaching | Education for sustainable development | sustainable development | Learning for Sustainability | competencies
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The Education for Sustainable Development Topic Support Network meeting in May 2024 saw three inspiring approaches to developing sustainability competencies, skills, and...
sustainability | education | ESD | learning | teaching | students | Education for sustainable development | skills | UNESCO | nature | pedagogy | green skills | competencies | attributes | module development | pedagogies | Inner Development Goals
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At this Network Meeting of practitioners at universities and colleges who work in relation to/are interested in Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), we heard inspiring...
ESD | learning | teaching | students | climate change | network | lecturers | ESD TSN | carbon literacy
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An event discussing how to integrate retrofit into construction curricula and apprenticeships with perspectives from Scotland, England, and Wales
energy | education | learning | teaching | retrofit | trade | built environment | sustainable construction | net zero | best practice | green skills
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See resources and recordings on this event, featuring a case study and discussion on how to embed sustainability into transport and tourism teaching.
sustainability | ESD | curriculum | learning | teaching | transport | skills | knowledge | tourism
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Watch videos and read about pedagogies that support learning for sustainability / Education for Sustainable Development in teaching.
learning | teaching | students | skills | Learning and Teaching | values | pedagogy | attitudes | knowledge | CPD | teaching methods
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This Education for Sustainable Development Topic Support Network, supported by Learning for Sustainability Scotland, took place on 21st November 2022 focussed on...
ESD | learning | teaching | strategy | Learning for Sustainability | support | Education for Sustainable Developement
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The Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) Topic Support Network Group met on the 11th of November to look into the topic of "Evaluating ESD in the curriculum –...
sustainability | education | learning | sustainable | development | skills | resources | standards | competencies | professional
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Our EAUC-Scotland Conference 2019, entitled the Elephants in the Room, included several breakout sessions. This page contains the resources from the workshop on Curriculum for...
sustainability | Scotland | curriculum | learning | conference | Glasgow Caledonian University | LfSS | PRME
Has sustainability education been ‘tamed’ to fit with the performativity culture in which reporting and measuring ultimately drive practice? There are a growing...
education | university | learning | research | reporting | 2019 | influence2019 | influence | Canterbury | measuring | peter | sustainability activity | christ | church | nicola | kemp | rands
Exploring the benefits of applied learning and research for student learning outcomes and graduate attributes, this session shared learning from across the sector.
sustainability | learning | student | NUS | 2019 | influence2019 | influence | living labs | Keele University | research and development | labs | keele | living | applied | outcomes | meg | baker
Following this workshop, participants will be in a position to make learning about sustainability fun and engaging by using an online mulitple-choice quiz - the Suliquiz
engagement | learning | sustainable | development | 2019 | influence2019 | influence | business | SDG | school | Glasgow | goals | sustainable behaviour | fun | enhance knowledge | suliquiz | kedge | Wersun | Aurelien | Decamps | Alex
This session looked at the effect of working with students to change the curriculum for the better.
Student Engagement | curriculum | learning | change | 2019 | influence2019 | influence | behaviour | school | Glasgow | art | john | thorne | change curriculum
Glasgow Kelvin Velocity is a project designed by a group of the Glasgow Kelvin College’s Support for Learning students and staff, aimed at encouraging outdoor and cycling...
college | learning | community | travel | change | 2019 | influence2019 | influence | cycling | wellbeing | Glasgow | active | kelvin | travel hub | velocity | outdoor
Earth Week 2019
learning | teaching | Earth Week 2019
Challenge of learning conceptual design of sustainable concrete-framed buildings at universities
learning | sustainable | universities | conceptual design | concrete-framed buildings
Top 3 Challenges - summary
learning | teaching | Education for sustainable development | living labs
Living Labs for Sustainability at Keele:Progress and Challenges
learning | teaching | Education for sustainable development | living labs | Keele University
The workshop is an innovative and enjoyable way to understand the fundamental principles of the impact of construction materials on the environment using gamification.
learning | teaching | EAUCConf18
This session will explore how sustainability can be advanced through interdisciplinarity, and how this can contribute to breaking down barriers between university and community.
learning | EAUCConf18