Displaying 9 results
International infographic with the latest stats and figures from Eco-Schools globally.
This example is from Interface's Net-Works programme, an inclusive business model that collects discarded fishing nets from coastal communities and recycles them.
This example is a Christmas message from Kingston University Sustainability Hub and is a seasonal way to share information about the sustainability achievements for the past year.
This is an example of an infographic and is from London South Bank University's Sustainability Team - their 'Wrap up London' poster
Hot on the heels of their campaign to tag investments in carbon reduction on campus, the University’s sustainability team launched an infographic highlighting the...
This example is an infographic from Royal Agricultural University and is Edition 1 of Green RAU News December 2014
This example is from Royal Agricultural University and is about Catering at the RAU - the sustainable way.
This infographic example is from Royal Agricultural University and is about responding to minor spills
This example is an infographic from University of Leicester and is the Environment Team's Sustainability Scorecard for 2013/14