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Graphics and images from the 2024 EAUC Annual Conference in Winchester, developed based on participant inputs
teaching | Education for sustainable development | skills | careers | green jobs | green skills
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The Education for Sustainable Development Topic Support Network meeting in May 2024 saw three inspiring approaches to developing sustainability competencies, skills, and...
sustainability | education | ESD | learning | teaching | students | Education for sustainable development | skills | UNESCO | nature | pedagogy | green skills | competencies | attributes | module development | pedagogies | Inner Development Goals
In addition to our student-facing Green Careers Guide, EAUC Scotland has produced guidance for careers advisors, curriculum coordinators, tutors, student support staff,...
green skills | Green Careers | Sustainability Skills | green careers guide
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An event discussing how to integrate retrofit into construction curricula and apprenticeships with perspectives from Scotland, England, and Wales
energy | education | learning | teaching | retrofit | trade | built environment | sustainable construction | net zero | best practice | green skills
This handbook is designed to support the work of members who represent the union on environmental issues. It will help in the appointment of new reps and contribute to put...
education | guide | case study | policy | climate change | environment | Staff Engagement and Human Resources | Tools | partnerships | green skills | Digital Media | global warming