Killer air: Improving the world though low-cost air quality monitoring
Evolving a Student Green Office
Plant Your Plastics - City Goes Green
Students ‘give it some welly’ with community conservation projects!
LSE Funds the future - the Sustainable Projects Fund
Engage for Change - empowering students to lead positive sustainability action
Strathclyde’s Global Student - using Vertically Integrated Projects to make a difference through ‘useful learning’
Chilly's - helping you stay hydrated while you are educated!
West Lothian College: Men into childcare/ forest classroom
Climate Ready Clyde - a partnership for a climate resilient city region
Putting planet before profit
Caring Cups for the Chester community
Think Before You Drink (Ystyried Cyn Yfed)
Conscious food choices for sustainable living
ScienceX - taking science to new audiences
Opening a plant-based café at King’s
Reverse vending at Heriot-Watt University: a pioneering Deposit Return Scheme
Student Law Office - facilitating access to justice in the North East