Liz Cooper, convenor of the EAUC Fair Trade Community of Practice questions to what extent is SRI driven by genuine social and environmental concerns
Blog post for the Just World Institute blog asking the all important question of, what can we do as procurers of goods to prevent future factory disasters in developing countries?
Liz Cooper, convenor of the EAUC Fair Trade Community of Practice has written about the effects of non-firm actors’ interventions in agro-commodity value chains on chain...
Prison labour – justified punishment, rehabilitation opportunity, or disciplined workforce for private industry? Paper by EAUC Fair Trade Community of Practice convenor, Liz...
The University of Derby won a special commendation for outreach and networking for their Fairtrade Fortnight activities at the Fairtrade Awards in 2007
Oxford Brookes was certified as the world’s first Fairtrade university in 2003. Since then, they have remained at the forefront of Fairtrade in the higher education sector