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Organised by the University of Oxford and the University of Warwick, the EAUC chaired an event exploring approaches to capital project delivery.
estates operations | buildings | energy efficiency | Capital Projects | performance gap
The attached slides are from an EAUC/SSN Workshop held on the 7th October 2015, designed for tertiary education institutions completing their Public Sector...
Scotland | reporting | resource efficiency and waste | emissions | climate change | estates operations | Utilities | Scottish Government | SSN | Public Sector Reporting | Public Sector
Web Page
World's largest carpet tile manufacturer achieves 100% renewable energy, virtually zero water in manufacturing and zero waste to landfill at its European manufacturing...
International | leadership | resource efficiency and waste | estates operations | Utilities | Leadership Governance | europe
From the EAUC Annual Conference 2014 at Nottingham Trent University - an interactive speciality workshop looking at displaying your sustainability data quickly and clearly by...
Student Engagement | student | conference | resource efficiency and waste | Operational | estates operations | Utilities | Staff Engagement and Human Resources | EAUCConf14
An EAUC 2014 presentation which creatively explores ways of engaging staff and students with sustainability using examples from Canterbury Christ Church University's...
Student Engagement | biodiversity | student | Operational | estates operations | Staff Engagement and Human Resources | EAUCConf14
Web Page
A guide on reducing energy costs. There is an increasing demand for IT services in universities and colleges, one area of cost that can and should be tackled is the cost of...
energy | guide | higher education institution | estates operations | energy efficiency | cost reduction | Further Education Institution | information technology
EAUC Member responses collating information on creating wildflower meadows. Includes a case study from University of Sheffield on their proposed areas for wildflowers.
biodiversity | community | report | estates operations | garden | conservation | maintenance | wildflower | landscape | meadows | pollinators
Web Page
It's very common for buildings to be lit up, heated and cooled even when there is nobody using them. This may be an obvious area to consider when reducing energy costs, but...
Student Engagement | guide | resource efficiency and waste | estates operations | Utilities | Staff Engagement and Human Resources | Sustainable ICT | Partnership Engagement
Web Page
A guide for using videoconferencing and collaboration technology to reduce travel and carbon emissions. How the right technology can be a usable alternative to physical travel...
guide | resource efficiency and waste | estates operations | Utilities | webinar | Travel and Transport | Sustainable ICT | videoconference
Web Page
You can put many measures in place to reduce energy use, but very few changes can be implemented, or the full benefits realised, without co-operation from users. Users need to...
Student Engagement | guide | resource efficiency and waste | estates operations | Utilities | Staff Engagement and Human Resources | Sustainable ICT | Partnership Engagement
EAUC Member responses about Keep Cup and other ways of encouraging the use of recyclable cups.
recycling | food | catering | Operational | reuse | estates operations | Procurement and Supplier Engagement | Background Information | drink
Outputs from a meeting about the RICS Ska Rating scheme which S-Lab helped to organise on behalf of the AUDE Sustainability Group. It contains; a summary of the workshop content...
guide | case study | higher education institution | resource efficiency and waste | Operational | estates operations | Sustainable Construction and Renovation | AUDE | Background Information | S-Labs | fit-outs | property stakeholders
Biodiversity is the one area that has often been left out of the spotlight in sustainability plans. The SEED project has changed this with the creation of a new, interactive...
engagement | biodiversity | guide | travel | transport | resource efficiency and waste | Operational | estates operations | Utilities | Sustainable ICT | biodiverty | construction and rennovation
In the context of a long term Estates Strategy, Oxford Brookes University has set an ambitious target to reduce carbon emissions from its building estate by 50% by 2020. The...
guide | case study | higher education institution | resource efficiency and waste | Operational | estates operations | strategic | Sustainable Construction and Renovation | Adult Education | Work Based Learning
The nationwide adoption of "carbon reduction commitments" by universities and colleges is exciting! Many are making a real effort to reduce energy consumption in...
energy | carbon | carbon reduction | case study | resource efficiency and waste | estates operations | strategic | resources | Sustainable ICT | Sustainable Construction and Renovation | carbon footprint
High Performance Computing (HPC) is the ability to focus significant compute resources quickly and efficiently at a particular, sometimes transient, level. It ranges from...
carbon | case study | ICT | resource efficiency and waste | Operational | estates operations | Sustainable ICT | it | Sustainable Construction and Renovation | IS
Software, infrastructure or compute as a service needs a level of availability and fault tolerance usually only found in bespoke telecommunication environments. In most...
energy | carbon | case study | ICT | resource efficiency and waste | estates operations | strategic | it | Sustainable Construction and Renovation | IS
Web Page
This reuse implementation guide has been compiled as part of the HEFCE funded project “Moving Towards Zero-Waste”. The aim of the project was to work with HEIs in...
awards | waste | Student Engagement | guide | higher education institution | resource efficiency and waste | Operational | reuse | estates operations | recycle | Project | network
Scotland's universities and colleges have publicly declared their intention to address the challenges of climate change and reduce their carbon footprints by signing the...
higher education institution | resource efficiency and waste | climate | estates operations | colleges | strategic | universities | guidance | commitment | introduction
A presentation from the EAUC Annual Conference 2012 which helps you to continue the learning and inspiration. This workshop will consider staff and student sustainable travel...
Student Engagement | college | higher education institution | Operational | estates operations | Learning and Teaching | strategic | Travel and Transport | Adult Education | Guide Video