Job description for the Energy Manager at the University at the University of Exeter
In this EAUC Member Spotlight, see how University of Exeter embeds sustainability into the university that was Times Higher University of the Year 2007/8.
Sustainability and Environmental Policy from South Staffordshire College.
Love Food Hate Waste aims to raise awareness of the need to reduce food waste and help us take action. It shows that by doing some easy practical everyday things in the home we...
A case study looking at City College Norwich who in December 2009 launched a five-year Strategy which contained an objective of developing 21st century environments that are...
An online book depository allows downloading a wide range of useful textbooks FREE of charge and it includes a whole section on Energy and The Environment.
An edited excerpt of the former Wales environment minister's ‘A small country with big sustainability ambitions,’from the ENDS Annual Lecture 2011.
'Community learning and action for sustainable living (CLASL): A guide to supporting communities in sustainable living', a report published by WWF-UK in 2008, draws on...
Most colleges and universities have some sort of data centre. Ever-increasing data storage and processing needs mean that the energy needed to run the computers and to deal with...