A study by Bicicleta Club de Catalunya (BACC) on bike use and cycling promotion in universities in Spain and Britain in May 2007.
A case study from the University of East Anglia about their travel plan which has delivered a range of initiatives leading to car use being reduced by 12%.
The EcoCampus encourages and rewards universities for moving towards environmental sustainability and therefore good operational and management practice.
A case study about Queen Margaret University’s Corstorphine Campus which was relocated and how it embraced the challenge to deliver the most sustainable campus in the UK.
A link to the BRITA in PuBs website - an EU to explore retrospective refurbishment of buildings to make them more eco-friendly.
A guide from AUDE to assist in making the replace or refurbish decision.
EAUC Member responses with helpful ways to tackle recycling in Halls of Residence.