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This session shared findings from a recent DMU project to support staff and students from six programmes to explore current coverage and course enhancements focused on ESDG.
Tags: sustainability | education | ESD | SDGs | curriculum | sustainable | development | 2019 | influence2019 | influence | SDG | De Montfort University | andrew | Montfort | ESDGC | mentoring | de | reeves
This session represented a real opportunity to spend some time hearing about some working single-use plastic reduction initiatives within the sector at both an institutional...
Tags: waste | procurement | teaching | 2019 | influence2019 | waste management | influence | workshop | Leeds | St Andrews | plastic | zero | labs | events | plastics | laboratory | free | andrew | lee | lucy | sandra | ideas | leicster | pledge | position | bryers | alexander | clarke | stuart
The discussion discussed different network approaches, how they have performed, and methods that have worked for you.
Tags: green | 2019 | influence2019 | influence | University of St Andrews | heating | best practice | technical | consultancy | district heating | john | andrew | andrews | st | approach | district | keith | thomason | snipe | treble
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