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There is wide recognition that the success of both the University of Edinburgh’s Climate mitigation and adaptation strategy should closely align with the...
university | strategy | change | adaptation | climate | business | Edinburgh | case
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In August 2014, a removable flood barrier was installed to the entrance of Barnes Wallis, on Shakespeare Street (Nottingham) in response to previous flash flooding...
university | change | adaptation | climate | Nottingham | risk | Trent | flood | barrier | barnes | wallis
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This discussion paper aims to foster a conversation about the impacts of climate change, how they might affect our operations and what the University may need to do to manage...
Scotland | university | change | adaptation | climate | risk | Glasgow | targets | Plan | adapt | Caledonian | risks | uni | cali | clyde
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Disaster risk has no borders. Indirect losses from extreme weather events can cripple national economies, kill small businesses, shut down factories and take away jobs....
change | adaptation | climate | business | case | resilience | AECOM
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This climate change risk assessment addresses the risks to ARU resulting from climate and weather events, and their associated health, operational, and financial consequences....
carbon | university | change | adaptation | management | climate | Ruskin | anglia | assesment | plant
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Sometimes the concept of climate change is difficult to reconcile with real life events. It can be hard to imagine the impact that severe weather events and long term climate...
report | change | adaptation | climate | water | estates | building | Cambridge | weather | Flooding | flood | rain | damage
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University of Strathclyde Adaptation Events and Actions
Scotland | university | change | adaptation | climate | events | strathclyde | actions
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ISO 14001 is the most popular environmental EMS in the world and is commonly found in UK institutions. In can be confusing to work out how to integrate climate change...
change | adaptation | climate | ISO | 14001 | spreadsheet
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Situated on the east coast of Scotland, the University of St Andrews is tasked with the challenge of both the maintenance of historic buildings and improving the resilience of...
university | change | adaptation | climate | opportunities | st | andrews | threats
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As a public body, the University of Glasgow has a legal duty under the Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009 to address the changing climate and take adaptation measures to ensure...
Scotland | university | strategy | change | adaptation | climate | Glasgow | Plan | goals | planning | weather | adapt
Looking to engage with your Finance Department on sustainability? Find more information through the Sustainability Engagement Guide
Student Engagement | behaviour change | travel | reporting | adaptation | staff engagement | economy | risk | ethical investment | whole institutional approach | Business Travel | green business | : finance
Web Page
Under Section 54 of the Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009, Scottish Ministers must make annual reports to the Scottish Parliament assessing progress on Scotland’s...
adaptation | Scottish Government | Climate Ready Scotland
Web Page
Climate Just have created an information tool to map risks and vulnerabilities to flooding, heatwaves and fuel poverty.
Scotland has now been updated and you can access the...
adaptation | fuel poverty | Flooding | Heatwaves | Climate Just
On Monday 9th April the EAUC and HEBCoN (Higher Education Business Continuity Network) Risk Project Working Group met for the first time at the AECOM Offices in Birmingham....
adaptation | risk | AECOM | climate change adaptation | HEBCoN | risks
In early 2017, Creative Carbon Scotland teamed up with Adaptation Scotland, Aberdeen City Council, Robert Gordon University and four creative practitioners to deliver a min-arts...
adaptation | Community Engagement | risk | Adaptation Scotland | Robert Gordon University | Aberdeen | Creative Carbon Scotland | Aberdeen City Council
Join Adaptation Scotland and EAUC-Scotland for a Scoping Workshop to explore what Scotland’s universities and colleges need to progress their adaptation work.
adaptation | Adaptation Scotland | Adaptation workshop
In a new documentary film called 'Climate Change and Scotland's Future', University of Glasgow graduates Jenni O'Neill and Cameron Mackay (both recent geography...
Scotland | community | adaptation | climate change | Glasgow | St Andrews | Flooding | documentary | Peatland | Scotland's future | Flood Defenses | South Uist | Climate Change and Scotland's Future | Explorers Stories
Web Page
Resources from the 'Moving from Compliance to Leading Change' Summit at the EAUC-Scotland Conference 2017.
Scotland | conference | leadership | University of Edinburgh | reporting | adaptation | legislation | finance | EAUCS2017 | EAUC-Scotland Conference 2017 | EAUC-S Conference 2017 | Adaptation Scotland | Public Bodies Climate Change Duties | Keep Scotland Beautiful | compliance | climate change adaptation | policy and legislation | Leading Change | EAUC-Scotland Conference | KSB | Moving from Compliance to Leading Change | Policy Compliance | Climate Change Reporting | Sniffer | Finance and Sustainability | Integrated Reporting
Presentation from the 'Moving from Compliance to Leading Change' Summit at the EAUC-Scotland 2017.
Scotland | conference | adaptation | legislation | EAUCS2017 | EAUC-Scotland Conference 2017 | EAUC-S Conference 2017 | compliance | climate change adaptation | policy and legislation | adapt | Leading Change | EAUC-Scotland Conference | Moving from Compliance to Leading Change | Policy Compliance | mandatory climate change reporting | adapting to climate change | Sniffer | Adaptation Scoland
Web Page
This paper sets out some of the issues in BREEAM which aim to improve the mitigation, adaptation and resilience in buildings.
sustainability | adaptation | BREEAM | resilience | Mitigation