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Our EAUC-Scotland Conference 2019, entitled the Elephants in the Room, included several breakout sessions. This page contains the resources from the workshop on Reducing...
waste | conference | University of St Andrews | Zero Waste Scotland | EAUCS2019 | zero | consumption | Reducing Consumption
Not available
On Tuesday, 12th November 2019, the EAUC-Scotland Sustainable Construction Topic Support Network held a virtual meeting to discuss the current issues and opportunities...
Zero Waste Scotland | sustainable construction | construction scotland innovation centre | procirc
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The Waste Management Topic Support Network met on the 30th October 2019 at Glasgow Caledonian University to discuss the current issues and opportunities regarding waste...
waste management | Zero Waste Scotland | Waste Management TSN | Deposit Return Scheme
Not available
On the 11th Sept 2019 the Energy & Water Management Topic Support Network met to discuss preparing a strong funding application.
Presentations and discussion included:...
Zero Waste Scotland | funding | energy management | Salix | application
Single-use items are currently en vogue, but what is the evidence behind ​actions to limit their use?
Zero Waste Scotland | waste reduction | plastic | Plastic Free
EAUC-Scotland's virtual 'Sustainability Sharing Series' February 2019 edition discussed behaviour change methods and measuring. We have produced a best...
behaviour change | Sharing Series | Zero Waste Scotland | Measuring Behaviour Change
Ahead of the Scottish Government Deposit Return Scheme (DRS) consultation closing, Stuart Murray from Zero Waste Scotland (ZWS) came to the EAUC-Scotland Forum on 12th...
Zero Waste Scotland | Scottish Government | Deposit Return Scheme | DRS
Web Page
Zero Waste Scotland have published a comprehensive list of 'Ideas for waste projects' and communication materials for community groups. All of the projects described...
recycling | reuse | Zero Waste Scotland | upcycling | Student Waste | Waste Projects
Not available
On 26th March 2018, EAUC-Scotland hosted an event in collaboration with the Heat Network Partnership and Zero Waste Scotland to raise awareness of the opportunities provided to...
Zero Waste Scotland | University of Strathclyde | University of Glasgow | biomass | South Lanarkshire College | heat networks | Scottish Futures Trust | burohappold | heat network | district heating | queen margaret university | District Heating Scheme | Low carbon Heat Networks
This event took place on 28th November 2017. The full resource, including full recording, is available on the Sustainability Exchange.
Join Michael Lenaghan from Zero Waste...
behaviour change | waste management | Zero Waste Scotland | keepcup | Coffee Cup Waste Minimisation | Coffee Cup | student union | waste streams | Waste contamination | Return Deposit Scheme
On the 28th November 2017 EAUC-Scotland hosted a webinar exploring the disposable cup challenge. This was held with contributions from Michael Lenaghan, Environmental Analyst at...
behaviour change | reuse | waste management | webinar | Zero Waste Scotland | recycle | EAUC-Scotland | keepcup | Single Use plastics | Vegware | EAUC-S | Coffee Cup Waste Minimisation | Coffee Cup | Disposables | waste stream | Compostable single use items | Single-use | Environmental Psychology | Keep the Cup | Wouter Poortinga | Plastic Bag Charge | Michael Lenaghan
On Wednesday 30th August 2017, the Sustainable Procurement Topic Support Network met to receive updates from the Sustainable Procurement Leaders Group and HEPA National...
procurement | tsn | topic support network | Zero Waste Scotland | circular economy | PBCCD | Scottish Government | apuc | sustainable procurement | Public Bodies Climate Change Duties | HEPA | Equality | BT14 | Athena Swan
On Tuesday, 18th July 2017, the Waste Management Topic Support Network met to discuss Public Bodies Climate Change waste data reporting, If using reclaimed wood for bins could...
recycling | tsn | waste management | eauc | topic support network | Zero Waste Scotland | PBCCD | Scottish Government | University of Dundee | SSN | consultation | Public Bodies Climate Change Duties | Sustainable Scotland Network | Vegware | Litter | EAUC-S | 2017 | LPAP | Litter Prevention | Litter Prevention Action Plan | COPLAR | Recycle Week | Domestic Waste | Keepcups | Glasgow Wood Recycling | Recycle Week 2017 | Recycling Policies | Flytipping | Code of practise for litter and refuse | July
Zero Waste Scotland has launched a new initiative encouraging organisations to take action and reduce litter. The initiative is open to any organisation in Scotland that wants...
waste | behaviour change | FE | waste management | HE | Zero Waste Scotland | Waste Management TSN | Litter | initiative | ZWS | Litter Prevention | LPAP | Litter Prevention Action Plan | Litter and Fly-tipping prevention | Community commitment | Fly tipping
Webinar and Resources by Zero Waste Scotland on how to finance resource efficiency projects.
Scotland | webinar | Zero Waste Scotland | finance | ZWS | Resource efficiency projects
Resources for the Waste Management Topic Support Network November 2016, University of Edinburgh
waste | Scotland | University of Edinburgh | tsn | waste management | topic support network | Zero Waste Scotland | Deposit Return Scheme | ZWS | Community Resource Network Scotland | Changeworks | James Cropper | Have You Got the Bottle | CRNS | Bottle Return Scheme
Review of food and packaging waste recycling at
Queen Margaret University
Scotland | recycling | food | case study | Zero Waste Scotland | food waste | queen margaret university | qmu | warp | bright green environmental placement
On Friday 26th August 2016, the Community Engagement Topic Support Network met to explore the use and value of mapping ways to engage with sustainability in and...
engagement | Zero Waste Scotland | Community Engagement | Community and Public Engagement | workshop | University of Dundee | Glasgow School of Art | mapping | map | RADIAL | Place Standard Tool
Food waste is one of the issues being addressed by the Scottish Government and this study was implemented to identify opportunities to reduce restaurant plate waste through...
waste | food | wrap | Zero Waste Scotland | doggy bag | take-home
This bi-annual meeting of the Waste Management Topic Support Network on 23rd February 2016 discussed reuse and repair with guest speakers from REMADE in Edinburgh,...
waste | reuse | waste management | training | Zero Waste Scotland | Regulations | repair | donation | Pass it on Week