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On Thursday 24th August 2017, the Travel & Transport Topic Support Network and ACT Travelwise met to discuss installing Electric Vehicles and their charging...
travel | transport | University of St Andrews | Travel and Transport | ACT Travelwise | Cycling Scotland | electric vehicle | liftshare | Merry Scott Consulting | MyPTP | GO St Andrews
EAUC-Scotland Energy TSN and ALUC Utilities UIG Meeting in St Andrews. Minutes include APUC-Scotland, Presentations from University of St Andrews and JRF Chimney
energy | Scotland | university | college | management | tsn | University of St Andrews | apuc | energy management | biomass | St Andrews University | minutes
Web Page
Resources from the 'Financing and Managing Projects for Change' Summit from the EAUC-Scotland Conference 2017.
waste | Scotland | Student Engagement | leadership | University of St Andrews | EAUCS2017 | EAUC-Scotland Conference 2017 | EAUC-S Conference 2017 | EAUC Scotland | EAUC-S Conference | Cycling Scotland | EAUC Scotland Conference | resource efficiency | University of Stirling | Borders College | Financing projects | Conference 2017 | Business and Industry Interface | managing projects | Financing and Managing projects for change | funding sources | financing | finding funding | managing | Robert Gordon University | waste water | Internship Programme | biomass DHS | Biomass district heating scheme | Waste Water Heating System | SHARC Energys | business interface
Web Page
Resources from the 'Promoting Meaningful Teaching and Learning' Summit at the EAUC-Scotland Conference 2017.
Scotland | ESD | SDGs | learning | teaching | Education for sustainable development | NUS | living labs | University of St Andrews | Learning and Teaching | Learning for Sustainability | EAUCS2017 | SDG | EAUC-Scotland Conference 2017 | EAUC-S Conference 2017 | Sustainable Development Goals | Careers Project | LfSS | Promoting Meaningful Teaching and Learning | Learning for Sustainability Scotland | National Union of Students | ESD HE | ESD FE | EAUC-Scotland Careers Project
Presentation from the EAUC-Scotland Conference 2017 'Financing and Managing Projects for Change' Summit.
Scotland | energy efficiency | University of St Andrews | EAUCS2017 | EAUC-Scotland Conference 2017 | EAUC-S Conference 2017 | EAUC Scotland | EAUC-S Conference | EAUC Scotland Conference | Financing projects | Conference 2017 | managing projects | Financing and Managing projects for change | funding sources | financing | finding funding | managing | St Andrews University | Biomass district heating scheme | biomass DHS | District Heating Scheme | DHS
Presentations from the EAUC-Scotland Conference 2017 'Financing and Managing Projects for Change' Summit.
Scotland | University of St Andrews | cycling | EAUCS2017 | EAUC-Scotland Conference 2017 | EAUC-S Conference 2017 | EAUC Scotland | EAUC-S Conference | EAUC Scotland Conference | University of Stirling | Financing projects | Conference 2017 | managing projects | Financing and Managing projects for change | funding sources | financing | finding funding | managing | internship | internship program | cycling internship | cycling scotland's internship programme | campus cycling officer
Presentation from the EAUC-Scotland Conference 2017 'Promoting Meaningful Teaching and Learning'.
Scotland | ESD | SDGs | learning | teaching | conference | Education for sustainable development | University of St Andrews | EAUCS2017 | SDG | EAUC-Scotland Conference 2017 | EAUC-S Conference 2017 | Sustainable Development Goals | Promoting Meaningful Teaching and Learning | St Andrews University
Web Page
The University of St Andrews has saved over 2000 mattresses, duvets and pillows from landfill by partnering with the Furniture Recycling Group.
University of St Andrews | circular economy | landfill diversion | Furniture Recycling Group
Online Guide on 'How to do Transition at your University or College' published by the Transition Network.
guide | University of St Andrews | transition | Transition Network | Transition University of St Andrews | Online Guide
The University of St Andrews and partners Vital Energi have won a major national award at the Scottish Green Energy Awards 2016 for the biomass energy centre at the...
awards | energy | Scotland | University of St Andrews | Utilities | Community and Public Engagement | biomass | St Andrews | award | news | Business and Industry Interface | Vital Energi | Scottish Green Energy Awards
Web Page
The £25 million Biomass Energy Centre & District Heating Network for the University of St Andrews has been celebrated at one of Scotland’s most prestigious...
energy | Scotland | carbon reduction | University of St Andrews | refurbishment | biomass | award | Guardbridge
Transition University of St Andrews is part of the UK-based Transition Network, and a long-lasting example of a Transition University. Launched in 2009 by a group of...
Student Engagement | community | strategy | reuse | University of St Andrews | Community and Public Engagement | transition | garden | academic | community garden | Transition Network | Transition University of St Andrews | vision | Transition Universities | Action Research
Case study on working through a climate impact assessment at University of St Andrews as part of a five step adaptation process.
Scotland | case study | adaptation | University of St Andrews | Adaptation Scotland | St Andrews | climate opportunities | climate threats
This webinar, first presented on the 13th July 2016, is one of two adaptation presentations delivered by Adaptation Scotland as part of the three-part EAUC-Scotland...
Scotland | adaptation | University of St Andrews | webinar | Adaptation Scotland
On Friday 18th March 2016, the Education for Sustainable Development in Higher Education Topic Support Network met to discuss the sustainability programmes...
Scotland | teaching | research | Education for sustainable development | University of Edinburgh | tsn | living labs | University of St Andrews | HE | Learning and Teaching | topic support network | higher education | Learning for Sustainability | education for sustainability | University of Dundee | courses | University of Glasgow | assessment | University of Aberdeen | Abertay University | interdisciplinary | modules | degrees | interdisciplinarity
This presentation on 'Environmental Facilitors - why and how' was given as part of a morning workshop on Developing Green Champions at the EAUC-Scotland...
Scotland | engagement | conference | 2015 | University of St Andrews | Staff Engagement and Human Resources | EAUCS2015 | shared responsibility
A coalition of students, staff and local residents have come together under the Transition Town banner to undertake a range of sustainability projects tackling climate change...
sustainability | green gown awards | energy | Scotland | Student Engagement | food | behaviour change | travel | University of St Andrews | economy | transition | Transition Network | Transition University of St Andrews | Transition Universities
Our Community Engagement and Education for Sustainable Development in Higher Education Topic Support Networks worked together to organise this free event on the...
Student Engagement | ESD | engagement | Education for sustainable development | University of Edinburgh | reuse | tsn | University of St Andrews | Learning and Teaching | topic support network | Staff Engagement and Human Resources | Community and Public Engagement | Learning for Sustainability | University of Dundee | supply chain | Edinburgh College | transition | Glasgow School of Art | community garden | arts | swapping
This event was a combined Energy Management Topic Support Network (am) and an APUC Utilities User Intelligence Group Meeting (pm), taking place on the 17th February 2015....
energy | tsn | University of St Andrews | Utilities | topic support network | apuc | energy management | gas | electricity | Resource Efficient Scotland | Scottish Futures Trust | RES
St Andrews have created Little Green Guides, all printed on recycled paper (naturally), updated for 2014, and ready for distribution over Freshers’ Week!
Student Engagement | University of St Andrews | transition | freshers | promote