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The Sustainable Procurement TSN met on the 3rd October 2016 to discuss a number of social issues related to procurement. Topics included:
The Modern Slavery Act
procurement | policy | University of Edinburgh | reporting | Procurement and Supplier Engagement | wellbeing | apuc | sustainable procurement | Public Sector Reporting | sustainability policy | slavery | Modern Slavery Act | Sustainable Procurement Strategy | modern slavery | Living Wage Accreditation | living wage | Sustainable Procurement Duty | conflict minerals | community benefits
Our changing world – Addressing global challenges through academic research
‘Our Changing World’ an annual high-profile public lecture series which...
sustainability | green gown awards | Scotland | University of Edinburgh | learning and skills
Responsible investment: Making money matter
Since becoming the first university in Europe to adopt the United Nations Principles of Responsible Investment (UNPRI) in 2013,...
sustainability | green gown awards | Scotland | University of Edinburgh | facilities and services | investment
The Carbon Scenario Tool has been developed as a joint funded project between the University of Edinburgh and the Scottish Funding Council. The tool was designed principally to...
carbon reduction | University of Edinburgh | climate change | webinar | tool | estates management | scottish funding council | carbon management | scenario | forecast | carbon scenario tool
Excel File
This webinar took place on 30th June 2016, with the video providing an introduction to the Carbon Scenario Tool background, structure and capabilities, and a live demonstration...
carbon reduction | University of Edinburgh | climate change | webinar | tool | estates management | scottish funding council | carbon management | scenario | forecast | carbon scenario tool
On Friday 18th March 2016, the Education for Sustainable Development in Higher Education Topic Support Network met to discuss the sustainability programmes...
Scotland | teaching | research | Education for sustainable development | University of Edinburgh | tsn | living labs | University of St Andrews | HE | Learning and Teaching | topic support network | higher education | Learning for Sustainability | education for sustainability | University of Dundee | courses | University of Glasgow | assessment | University of Aberdeen | Abertay University | interdisciplinary | modules | degrees | interdisciplinarity
University of Edinburgh Responsible Investment Policy Statement
policy | University of Edinburgh | ethical investment | SRI | sustainable investment | socially responsible investment
This presentation on 'Living Labs for Social Responsibility and Sustainability at the University of Edinburgh' was given as part of a morning workshop at...
Scotland | conference | University of Edinburgh | 2015 | living labs | circular economy | EAUCS2015 | shared responsibility | volunteering | living laboratory
This presentation on 'Walking the Sustainable Talk' was given as the opening keynote at the EAUC-Scotland Conference 2015 by Professor Dave Reay, Professor of Carbon...
sustainability | Scotland | conference | leadership | University of Edinburgh | 2015 | Learning and Teaching | EAUCS2015 | shared responsibility | graduate
This presentation on 'The Challenge of Engaging Senior (and Middle) Managers' was given as part of a morning workshop at the EAUC-Scotland Conference 2015 by...
Scotland | conference | leadership | University of Edinburgh | 2015 | management | Staff Engagement and Human Resources | EAUCS2015 | shared responsibility | governance | engaging
This tour of the 'University of Edinburgh's Sustainable Energy Centre' was given as an afternoon workshop at the EAUC-Scotland Conference 2015 by David...
Scotland | conference | University of Edinburgh | 2015 | EAUCS2015 | shared responsibility | energy management | district heating | tour | CHP | combined heat and power
The University of Edinburgh and Biffa are using their influence to help Scotland deliver its Zero Waste agenda. Staff and students are working with waste and recycling partner...
waste | recycling | University of Edinburgh | waste management | circular economy | recycle | partnership | zero waste | Biffa
Web Page
Researchers and practitioners at the University of Edinburgh have been working together to identify how principles of the Circular Economy can be embedded in Research, Learning...
waste | case study | research | University of Edinburgh | waste management | Learning and Teaching | circular economy | waste reduction | Operations
Web Page
By working in partnership with the Edinburgh University Students’ Association, the University wanted to achieve its vision of creating a culture and environment at the...
sustainability | green gown awards | Scotland | Student Engagement | University of Edinburgh | collaboration | volunteering | social responsibility
Our Community Engagement and Education for Sustainable Development in Higher Education Topic Support Networks worked together to organise this free event on the...
Student Engagement | ESD | engagement | Education for sustainable development | University of Edinburgh | reuse | tsn | University of St Andrews | Learning and Teaching | topic support network | Staff Engagement and Human Resources | Community and Public Engagement | Learning for Sustainability | University of Dundee | supply chain | Edinburgh College | transition | Glasgow School of Art | community garden | arts | swapping
Web Page
In this EAUC Member Spotlight, see how the University of Edinburgh plans for the fortnight and celebrating 10 years of being a Fairtrade University.
sustainability | Scotland | university | spotlight | member | member spotlight | University of Edinburgh | fairtrade | Edinburgh | fair trade | Fairtrade fortnight | fairtrade university
The University of Edinburgh are working collaboratively to take fair trade beyond Fairtrade, in the name of decent livelihoods in developing countries. Find out how you could be...
Scotland | University of Edinburgh | 2014 | trade | fair | Fairtrade fortnight