On Tuesday 4th October the Sustainable Construction Topic Support Network met at the University of Edinburgh to discuss current issues and priorities in sustainable construction...
construction | wrap | tsn | BREEAM | topic support network | wellbeing | Sustainable Construction and Renovation | sustainable construction | biomass | passivhaus | renewables | Ska | RICS | Construction and Renovation | BIM | Passive House | building modelling | building waste | building regulations | SKA HE
The Rocking Horse Nursery at the University of Aberdeen has been formally recognised as the first Passive House nursery in Scotland and the first building of its kind in...
construction | Sustainable Construction and Renovation | University of Aberdeen | passivhaus | Passive House
On Thursday 10th December 2015, the EAUC-Scotland Sustainable Construction and Education for Sustainable Development in Further Education Topic Support Networks met at South...
Scotland | Education for sustainable development | FE | tsn | BREEAM | topic support network | further education | education for sustainability | Sustainable Construction and Renovation | South Lanarkshire College | tour
Our Sustainable Construction TSN Group visited Glasgow School of Art on 29th April 2015 for a tour of the Mackintosh Building and discussions on the low carbon...
tsn | refurbishment | topic support network | retrofit | Sustainable Construction and Renovation | Glasgow School of Art | low carbon | tour | Construction and Renovation | Mackintosh | historic building | heritage
This TSN was organised in association with The Academy of Hair, Beauty, Sport & Fitness at Fife College, and hosted at their Halbeath Campus in Dunfermline on the...
Student Engagement | college | Education for sustainable development | Learning and Teaching | Learning for Sustainability | further education | Sustainable Construction and Renovation | Fife College | Learning for Sustainability Scotland | hairdressing | salon | hair | ecosalon | eco-salon
The United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (2005-2014) highlights the fact that education is central to UNEP’s mandate of “inspiring,...
Student Engagement | biodiversity | guide | leadership | resource efficiency and waste | Operational | Learning and Teaching | Utilities | strategic | Travel and Transport | Staff Engagement and Human Resources | Community and Public Engagement | Sustainable Construction and Renovation | Tools | Leadership Governance
Outputs from a meeting about the RICS Ska Rating scheme which S-Lab helped to organise on behalf of the AUDE Sustainability Group. It contains; a summary of the workshop content...
guide | case study | higher education institution | resource efficiency and waste | Operational | estates operations | Sustainable Construction and Renovation | AUDE | Background Information | S-Labs | fit-outs | property stakeholders
In the context of a long term Estates Strategy, Oxford Brookes University has set an ambitious target to reduce carbon emissions from its building estate by 50% by 2020. The...
guide | case study | higher education institution | resource efficiency and waste | Operational | estates operations | strategic | Sustainable Construction and Renovation | Adult Education | Work Based Learning
High Performance Computing (HPC) is the ability to focus significant compute resources quickly and efficiently at a particular, sometimes transient, level. It ranges from...
carbon | case study | ICT | resource efficiency and waste | Operational | estates operations | Sustainable ICT | it | Sustainable Construction and Renovation | IS
Software, infrastructure or compute as a service needs a level of availability and fault tolerance usually only found in bespoke telecommunication environments. In most...
energy | carbon | case study | ICT | resource efficiency and waste | estates operations | strategic | it | Sustainable Construction and Renovation | IS
The nationwide adoption of "carbon reduction commitments" by universities and colleges is exciting! Many are making a real effort to reduce energy consumption in...
energy | carbon | carbon reduction | case study | resource efficiency and waste | estates operations | strategic | resources | Sustainable ICT | Sustainable Construction and Renovation | carbon footprint
Keble College is one of the largest of the constituent colleges of the University of Oxford with 410 undergraduate and 235 graduate students. It was the wish of the founders in...
case study | higher education institution | resource efficiency and waste | Operational | estates operations | Utilities | Sustainable Construction and Renovation
The University of St Andrews implemented a compulsory in-house recycling scheme for staff and students. Working closely with the local authority they undertook a rationalisation...
waste | Scotland | Student Engagement | recycling | case study | higher education institution | resource efficiency and waste | Operational | estates operations | waste management | Learning and Teaching | Staff Engagement and Human Resources | Community and Public Engagement | Sustainable Construction and Renovation
Benchmarks for target setting, a short guide developed by the Waste and Resources Action Programme (WRAP), provides information on selecting suitable metrics and KPIs; project...
college | guide | wrap | higher education institution | resource efficiency and waste | Operational | estates operations | Procurement and Supplier Engagement | recycle | Sustainable Construction and Renovation | Adult Education
Achieving Excellence in Construction Procurement Guide in 'Whole-life Costing and Cost Management', published by the Office of Government Commerce in 2007. Link to the...
procurement | guide | construction | estates operations | strategic | Procurement and Supplier Engagement | Sustainable Construction and Renovation | Out of Sector | costing | cost management