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The golf course is often left with pallets from deliveries and these began to build up in quantity. Greenkeeping students practical classes used the pallets and other waste...
The golf course has been lucky enough to be awarded two tree packs from the Woodland Trust comprising over 800 native trees. The trees have been planted on the golf course by...
In 2014 SRUC replaced 150m2 of grassed verges on our entrance road with a native annual wildflower meadow. The meadow was received well by visitors to the course and removed the...
The golf course has introduced wildflowers to a number of sites on the course and we plan to continue this practice each year. At the moment we have just under 1Ha of meadows....
The golf course has an environmental working group called the GEO steering group. The responsibility of this group is to work together in strengthening the course’s Golf...
Scouts from the local Scout group have came on site and carried out a bug survey in a range of habitats on the course. The information from the survey was uploaded onto the Opal...
The golf course features 3 ponds and all of which contain healthy populations of Palmate newts, frogs and toads along with many more water invertebrates. The ponds have all been...
In the past 2 years SRUC have planted over 800m of new hedges and drawn up a maintenance plan for our hedges that will allow a variety of growth types, increasing their habitat...