The University of Winchester has teamed up with the conservation group Hampshire Swifts to develop a ground-breaking initiative to save the Swift population of Winchester.
university | biodiversity | 2019 | influence2019 | influence | Community and Public Engagement | collaboration | wildlife | ecology | winchester | Swift | liz | bird | swifts | hampshire | birds | harris
The Community Engagement TSN met with partners from the Climate Psychology Alliance (CPA) on 12th May 2017 to discuss how to take forward ideas developed around climate...
Student Engagement | University of Edinburgh | Staff Engagement and Human Resources | Community and Public Engagement | Glasgow School of Art | University of Glasgow | psychology | Psychosocial Approach | Climate Psychology Alliance | climate psychology
EAUC-Scotland and Learning for Sustainability Scotland warmly invite anyone working in or with the further and higher education sector to join us at this...
Student Engagement | ESD | engagement | SDGs | teaching | strategy | Education for sustainable development | Learning and Teaching | Staff Engagement and Human Resources | Community and Public Engagement | Learning for Sustainability | workshop | Sustainable Development Goals | LfSS | Learning for Sustainability Scotland
This workshop presentation is from the “Global Goals: Local Action” EAUC Annual Conference 2017, presented by Maria Kirrane, Postdoctoral Researcher - University of...
EAUCConf17 | Community Engagement | Community and Public Engagement
Conference Keynote from the EAUC-Scotland Conference 2017 given by Professor Pamela Gillies, Glasgow Caledonian University.
Scotland | leadership | Community Engagement | Community and Public Engagement | EAUCS2017 | EAUC-Scotland Conference 2017 | EAUC-S Conference 2017 | EAUC Scotland | EAUC-S Conference | EAUC Scotland Conference | Conference 2017 | keynote | public engagement | GCU | Keynote speech | Professor Pamela Gillies | university for the common good | Professor Gillies | common good university | Glasgow Caledonian Univeristy | Conference Keynote
Seeds of Change: Riverbank Restoration at The University of Queensland
By partnering with the university community, the State Government, and local NRM groups to plant around...
community | Community and Public Engagement
The University of St Andrews and partners Vital Energi have won a major national award at the Scottish Green Energy Awards 2016 for the biomass energy centre at the...
awards | energy | Scotland | University of St Andrews | Utilities | Community and Public Engagement | biomass | St Andrews | award | news | Business and Industry Interface | Vital Energi | Scottish Green Energy Awards
Transition University of St Andrews is part of the UK-based Transition Network, and a long-lasting example of a Transition University. Launched in 2009 by a group of...
Student Engagement | community | strategy | reuse | University of St Andrews | Community and Public Engagement | transition | garden | academic | community garden | Transition Network | Transition University of St Andrews | vision | Transition Universities | Action Research
On Friday 26th August 2016, the Community Engagement Topic Support Network met to explore the use and value of mapping ways to engage with sustainability in and...
engagement | Zero Waste Scotland | Community Engagement | Community and Public Engagement | workshop | University of Dundee | Glasgow School of Art | mapping | map | Place Standard Tool | RADIAL
On Tuesday 22nd March 2016, the Community Engagement Topic Support Network met at Glasgow School of Art for an event focusing on the use of social media by universities and...
Scotland | Student Engagement | engagement | tsn | topic support network | Staff Engagement and Human Resources | Community Engagement | Community and Public Engagement | communication | communications | social media | twitter | facebook
Our Community Engagement and Education for Sustainable Development in Higher Education Topic Support Networks worked together to organise this free event on the...
Student Engagement | ESD | engagement | Education for sustainable development | University of Edinburgh | reuse | tsn | University of St Andrews | Learning and Teaching | topic support network | Staff Engagement and Human Resources | Community and Public Engagement | Learning for Sustainability | University of Dundee | supply chain | Edinburgh College | transition | Glasgow School of Art | community garden | arts | swapping
The United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (2005-2014) highlights the fact that education is central to UNEP’s mandate of “inspiring,...
Student Engagement | biodiversity | guide | leadership | resource efficiency and waste | Operational | Learning and Teaching | Utilities | strategic | Travel and Transport | Staff Engagement and Human Resources | Community and Public Engagement | Sustainable Construction and Renovation | Tools | Leadership Governance
In April 2012, University of Southampton completed the first ever campus-wide energy audit, with 255 students and staff auditing and switching off all unnecessary office...
carbon | case study | behaviour change | Operational | Community and Public Engagement | Partnership Engagement | Adult Education | Background Information | Work Based Learning | igher Education Institution | auditing
A presentation from the EAUC Annual Conference 2012 which helps you to continue the learning and inspiration. Held at the University of York between 27-29 March 2012.This...
guide | case study | Operational | video | strategic | Community and Public Engagement | Partnership Engagement | social media | twitter | YouTube | facebook | Work Based Learning | Business and Industry Interface
Web Page
This project, delivered by University of Northampton, puts partnership working at the centre of sustainable development and recognises that universities need to demonstrate...
university | higher education institution | strategic | Community and Public Engagement | Procurement and Supplier Engagement | Project | toolkit | Partnership Engagement | Out of Sector | Business and Industry Interface
The University of St Andrews implemented a compulsory in-house recycling scheme for staff and students. Working closely with the local authority they undertook a rationalisation...
waste | Scotland | Student Engagement | recycling | case study | higher education institution | resource efficiency and waste | Operational | estates operations | waste management | Learning and Teaching | Staff Engagement and Human Resources | Community and Public Engagement | Sustainable Construction and Renovation
Web Page
'Community learning and action for sustainable living (CLASL): A guide to supporting communities in sustainable living', a report published by WWF-UK in 2008, draws on...
college | report | higher education institution | development | environment | Operational | Community and Public Engagement | economy | Project | Partnership Engagement | governance | society | behavioural change | sustainable living
Web Page
The ILO is the international organization responsible for drawing up and overseeing international labour standards. Web link to their page for more information
International | estates operations | strategic | Staff Engagement and Human Resources | Community and Public Engagement | Procurement and Supplier Engagement | Out of Sector | Website
Word Document
Notes from the UCU Sustainability workshop looking at the problems and successes of implementing the sustainable paradigm.
Student Engagement | college | research | report | leadership | Learning and Teaching | Utilities | strategic | Staff Engagement and Human Resources | Sustainable ICT | Community and Public Engagement | Background Information | Leadership Governance | Education Institution