The EAUC Scotland Smaller Institutions Sustainability Meeting met in-person at Forth Valley College, Falkirk Campus on 30th May 2024 to discuss how to progress action on climate...
adaptation | risk | Adaptation Scotland | resilience | weather | repair | Sniffer | climate risk register | climate risk | floods | climate adaptation | storms | SISM | smaller institutions sustainability meeting | climate resilience | sism meeting | extreme weather
The Climate Risk Register Guide and Tool aims to assist institutions in the early stages of their adaptation journey.
adaptation | Adaptation Scotland | Borders College | climate risk register | sniffer scotland
Not available
Our EAUC-Scotland Conference 2019, entitled the Elephants in the Room, included several breakout sessions. This page contains the resources from the workshop on Adapting to the...
Scotland | adaptation | climate | Adaptation Scotland | University of Glasgow | EAUCS2019 | adapting | changing
Not available
On the 7th of October 2019, EAUC-Scotland and Historic Environment Scotland co-hosted an event on risk & resilience in a changing climate at the Engine...
adaptation | risk | Adaptation Scotland | climate change adaptation | historic building | Engine Shed | historic environment scotland | hes
In early 2017, Creative Carbon Scotland teamed up with Adaptation Scotland, Aberdeen City Council, Robert Gordon University and four creative practitioners to deliver a min-arts...
adaptation | Community Engagement | risk | Adaptation Scotland | Robert Gordon University | Aberdeen | Creative Carbon Scotland | Aberdeen City Council
Join Adaptation Scotland and EAUC-Scotland for a Scoping Workshop to explore what Scotland’s universities and colleges need to progress their adaptation work.
adaptation | Adaptation Scotland | Adaptation workshop
Web Page
Resources from the 'Moving from Compliance to Leading Change' Summit at the EAUC-Scotland Conference 2017.
Scotland | conference | leadership | University of Edinburgh | reporting | adaptation | legislation | finance | EAUCS2017 | EAUC-Scotland Conference 2017 | EAUC-S Conference 2017 | Adaptation Scotland | Public Bodies Climate Change Duties | Keep Scotland Beautiful | compliance | climate change adaptation | policy and legislation | Leading Change | EAUC-Scotland Conference | KSB | Policy Compliance | Moving from Compliance to Leading Change | Climate Change Reporting | Sniffer | Finance and Sustainability | Integrated Reporting
Case study on working through a climate impact assessment at University of St Andrews as part of a five step adaptation process.
Scotland | case study | adaptation | University of St Andrews | Adaptation Scotland | St Andrews | climate opportunities | climate threats
This webinar is the second of two adaptation presentations delivered by Adaptation Scotland, with part one providing an introduction to adaptation and Adaptation...
Scotland | adaptation | climate change | webinar | Adaptation Scotland | resilience | Public Sector Reporting
This webinar, first presented on the 20th July 2016, is the second of two adaptation presentations delivered by Adaptation Scotland. Part one provided an introduction to...
Scotland | adaptation | webinar | University of Strathclyde | Adaptation Scotland | Public Sector Reporting | Climate Change Reporting
This webinar is one of two adaptation presentations delivered by Adaptation Scotland. Part one will offer an introduction to climate change adaptation, from what it is (and...
Scotland | adaptation | climate change | webinar | Adaptation Scotland | resilience
This webinar, first presented on the 13th July 2016, is one of two adaptation presentations delivered by Adaptation Scotland as part of the three-part EAUC-Scotland...
Scotland | adaptation | University of St Andrews | webinar | Adaptation Scotland
In April 2016, EAUC-Scotland invited Adaptation Scotland to run a workshop on Adaptation aimed specifically at Scottish universities and colleges. The workshop was designed to...
Scotland | reporting | adaptation | climate change | PBCCD | Adaptation Scotland | Public Bodies Climate Change Duties | Public Sector Reporting | adapt