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The Sustainable Scotland Network Conference took place on the 5th October 2017 in Edinburgh. The presentations from the day are available on SSN's webpage and feature the...
Tags: Scottish Government | SSN | Keep Scotland Beautiful | Sustainable Scotland Network | The University of Edinburgh | NHS | 2017 | Creative Carbon Scotland | SSN Conference | Sustainable Procurement Limited | SEstran | Energy Saving Trust | Dumfries and Galloway Council | Scottish Natural Heritage
LfS Scotland hosted a successful meeting of the UK Regional Centres of Expertise in ESD in Edinburgh in June 20th/21st 2017 with participants drawn from 6 RCEs from across the...
Tags: ESD | SDGs | Education for sustainable development | LfS | LfSS | 2017 | European RCE | UK RCE | June
The United Kingdom National Commission for UNESCO have produced a series of good practice case studies in ESD from across the political jurisdictions of the UK. The document was...
Tags: ESD | FE | HE | wales | uk | schools | UNESCO | FHE | communities | Belfast | 2017 | NUSGreenImpact | St JamesCommunity Forum | UKNC | GTCScotland | Sustain Wales | CaseStudies | Ecoschools | GoodPractice | Greenacademyprogramme | Downtoearthproject
On Tuesday, 18th July 2017, the Waste Management Topic Support Network met to discuss Public Bodies Climate Change waste data reporting, If using reclaimed wood for bins could...
Tags: recycling | tsn | waste management | eauc | topic support network | Zero Waste Scotland | PBCCD | Scottish Government | University of Dundee | SSN | consultation | Public Bodies Climate Change Duties | Sustainable Scotland Network | Vegware | Litter | EAUC-S | 2017 | LPAP | Litter Prevention | Litter Prevention Action Plan | Recycle Week | COPLAR | Glasgow Wood Recycling | Keepcups | Flytipping | Recycle Week 2017 | Recycling Policies | Code of practise for litter and refuse | Domestic Waste | July
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