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The Sustainable Scotland Network Conference took place on the 5th October 2017 in Edinburgh. The presentations from the day are available on SSN's webpage and feature the...
Tags: Scottish Government | SSN | Keep Scotland Beautiful | Sustainable Scotland Network | The University of Edinburgh | NHS | 2017 | Creative Carbon Scotland | Energy Saving Trust | Dumfries and Galloway Council | Scottish Natural Heritage | SSN Conference | Sustainable Procurement Limited | SEstran
LfS Scotland hosted a successful meeting of the UK Regional Centres of Expertise in ESD in Edinburgh in June 20th/21st 2017 with participants drawn from 6 RCEs from across the...
Tags: ESD | SDGs | Education for sustainable development | LfS | LfSS | 2017 | June | European RCE | UK RCE
The United Kingdom National Commission for UNESCO have produced a series of good practice case studies in ESD from across the political jurisdictions of the UK. The document was...
Tags: ESD | FE | HE | wales | uk | schools | UNESCO | FHE | communities | Belfast | 2017 | CaseStudies | Ecoschools | GoodPractice | Greenacademyprogramme | Downtoearthproject | NUSGreenImpact | St JamesCommunity Forum | UKNC | GTCScotland | Sustain Wales
On Tuesday, 18th July 2017, the Waste Management Topic Support Network met to discuss Public Bodies Climate Change waste data reporting, If using reclaimed wood for bins could...
Tags: recycling | tsn | waste management | eauc | topic support network | Zero Waste Scotland | PBCCD | Scottish Government | University of Dundee | SSN | consultation | Public Bodies Climate Change Duties | Sustainable Scotland Network | Vegware | Litter | EAUC-S | 2017 | LPAP | Litter Prevention | Litter Prevention Action Plan | COPLAR | Recycle Week | Code of practise for litter and refuse | Domestic Waste | Glasgow Wood Recycling | Keepcups | Flytipping | Recycle Week 2017 | Recycling Policies | July
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