GEM Refugee Grant Program – It takes a community! Working together for integration and access to higher education Since 2015, Grenoble Ecole de Management has...
Innovating for Sustainability In partnership with Université du Québec à Montréal, University of Alberta and University of New Mexico Our team...
Meritorious Blue (Benemérita Azul) - On the way to sustainable University The BUAP has a building in an area called Valsequillo - Puebla where it was institutionalized...
Rethinking Rehabilitation - Connecting Communities through Craft Rethinking Rehabilitation- Connecting Communities though Craft - an inspiring collaboration which introduced...
Turnaround – 360 degrees different A collaboration between Adult Learning and a Third Sector organisation with specialist skills and experience to support individuals...
Aquatic Science Student Association: Towards Zero Waste – Feel and Heal “Towards Zero Waste – Feel and Heal” project is designed to create awareness...
Daffodil Eco-friendly Agro Support Centre, Bangladesh Vehicle exhaust is a major source of anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO2) and the main emission sources of air pollution...
Intensive Summer: Strengthening university commitment The main objective of the "Intensive Summer" project is to generate an impact social intervention with...
Community connections impact change - why the Victoria Plus Programme drives the difference Making the most of the university experience often requires students to step...
Environmental statistics (EMR data) released last week revealed an 8% fall in carbon emissions by HE providers despite a 4% increase in energy consumption. In 2017/18...
Bridgend College Sustainable Development Vision and Strategy 2019 – 2030
The nature of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) requires an interdisciplinary mind-set. In line with this UK and Ireland PRME members have identified systems...
We welcome you to participate in two days full of program on key questions on sustainability on 9 – 10 May, 2019 at the Sustainability Science Days. The thematic focus...
Whether viewed as a natural environment defined by its geography, as a human environment shaped by culture, politics and economics, or as both: Europe and its global...
Join in this interactive webinar to learn how to make the most of your 2019 Green Gown Awards application. Get a range of tops tips for creating a successful application from...
Resource Efficient Scotland have released their new "Green Office Guide" which explains how to make your office more sustainable and more cost effective. This has been...
Following both the UK and Welsh Government’s declaration of a climate change emergency, Bridgend College is reaffirming its strong and positive corporate commitment to...
The EAUC-Scotland Travel & Transport Topic Support Network (TSN) will be meeting to discuss current opportunities and challenges in the FHE Travel & Transport...
The UK can end its contribution to global warming within 30 years by setting an ambitious new target to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions to zero by 2050, the Committee on...