The Sir Doug Ellis Pathway to Healthcare Programme
Nudge LSE to plant-based options
Changing for good
Catering for Life
How to make a cup of (sustainabili) tea!
Change Possible: Action for a zero carbon UCL by 2030
Small changes for significant impact on sustainability
A whole university approach to carbon reduction
Road to Zero at Aston University
City grows green
Innocence Project London
With the UN Secretary General's COVID-19 response emphasizing the need to develop national recovery plans which include climate-positive actions such as decarbonizing...
We are proud to announce this year's Green Gown Awards UK & Ireland Finalists, in association with UKRI After a tough judging session, the applicants have been...
On Thursday 8th October 2020, the Sustainable Procurement Topic Support Network met virtually to discuss the impact of COVID on sustainable procurement, the embodied emissions...
Climate Commission events, in partnership with Association of Colleges In July 2020, the Climate Commission for UK Higher and Further Education, in partnership with Nous...
Stepchange: mentally healthy universities forms part of a refreshed call to action for universities
Accelerating Education for the SDGs in Universities’ from Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN)
Lifting the lid higher - Changing student attitudes and behaviours towards recycling and waste
SUEZ recycling and recovery UK’s Lifting the Lid Higher report published today (28 September 2020) offers unique insight into trends in student recycling habits, showing...
The University of Strathclyde has launched a new Centre for Sustainable Development in support of the United Nations’ (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). ...