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At the University of Sheffield, an innovative new approach to estate management has unlocked funding for a major £3.8 million investment programme that will deliver direct...
Emma Fieldhouse, University of Leicester, emailed the Members' network to ask, "I’m sure by now many of you are familiar with one of P&P’s...
The University of Winchester has awarded more than £10,000 in seed funding to a number of staff, students and graduates to start socially responsible businesses. The...
'Fast Fashion’ refers to clothing and accessories that are designed to reflect current industry trends, yet produced using less expensive materials to ensure a low...
A short film showcasing some European universities and how they are distinguishing themselves with radical architecture, design and branding.
EAUC Member responses about schemes to reuse and recycle material left by students who move out of halls at the end of the academic year.
The Art of Green Jujitsu is a video that was made to promote the message to "ditch the eco-cliches and put yourself in your colleagues' shoes."
Dawn White, Environmental Officer, City University London emailed Members asking about advice about the merits of switching off versus leaving on in stand-by mode.
There is a definite art to crafting a successful award submission. So we’ve produced our top 10 tips for Awards success to bear in mind when writing your Award submission.
Late 2009, Engineers without Borders, a student engineering society in the University of Warwick, sought support from the university Estates Office for a 1kW wind turbine project.
Earlier in the year, the Welsh Government launched a White Paper on proposals for the Sustainable Development (SD) Bill, a key part of their legislative programme. ...
In this EAUC Member Spotlight, see how University of St Andrews embed sustainability, specifically data centres and energy management, into the 600 year old research intensive...
We are delighted to tell you how successful the Platform for Sustainability Performance in Education ( launch went last week at UNEP Nairobi....
Climate Week is Britain’s biggest climate change campaign, inspiring a new wave of action to create a sustainable future. Culminating in a week of activities, it...
Brunel University in Uxbridge recently unveiled its new look library, courtesy of leading global flooring company Interface. The company’s products were used in the 8,500...
Oakhurst Primary School in Swindon has worked closely Interface, the leading manufacturer of sustainable and innovative modular flooring, to kit out its brand new school...
This European TUC guide provides advice on good practice from trade union activists across the EU on how to get going on greening their workplaces
Colin Buchanan from Sinclair Knight Merz (SKM) worked with Loughborough University to provide a full range of travel planning services; results in this case study.
In the context of a long term Estates Strategy, Oxford Brookes University has set an ambitious target to reduce carbon emissions from its building estate by 50% by 2020. The...