EAUC-Scotland publishes a report on the Further and Higher Education Carbon Emissions 2014-15 based on the data from the Public Body Climate Change Duties and HESA submissions.
£9 Million Trigeneration scheme for Veterinary Campus The University of Edinburgh is set to harness the power of trigeneration in a new £9 million energy...
EAUC Transport Planning Network Group meeting at the University of York, Heslington East - LMB/102b Meeting Room There will be two meetings running at the...
EAUC Transport Planning Network Group meeting at the University of Exeter There will be two meetings running at the University of York and University of Exeter and will...
Revolving Green Fund 2016/17 - Deadline Friday 10th February This is a reminder that applications for the 2016/17 round of funding will close this Friday (10th...
University of Technology Sydney - UTS Think.Green.Do Over the past 10 years UTS has steadily improved its sustainability performance, with initiatives including integrating...
Seeds of Change: Riverbank Restoration at The University of Queensland By partnering with the university community, the State Government, and local NRM groups to plant around...
University of Waikato - Going Green @ Waikato: 4 students Going Green @ Waikato encompasses many aspects of sustainability, especially student engagement, which plays a key...
Giving the homeless community in Glasgow a route back into employment
Working in Tanzania to create local cook stove entrepreneurs while at the same time providing a safer, cleaner environment for local communities.
Working in Uganda to give individuals who have a passion for fashion a route into the industry whilst also providing with a stable income.
Working with ex-offenders to give them the building blocks to secure long-term empowerment and ultimately employment.
Giving hope to the female inmates in Nigeria, so that they can find work, feed their families and live a fulfilled life without turning to crime.
The EAUC Living Labs event brought together a diverse mix of academic staff and professional staff from 30 institutions to discuss the potential and future of the Living Labs in...
Shedding light on energy uncertainty A new initiative launched on 1st February aims to shed light on the impact that political and market uncertainty is having on...
“Are people apathetic to the dangers of climate change? Why do they not engage more? Is there more we can do to encourage everyone to engage more, and to take meaningful...
A university or college Living Lab combines the efforts of students, academics, professional staff and local actors in collaborative sustainability projects. These...
The Platform for Sustainability Performance in Education brings together organisations which have created sustainability assessment tools designed to support universities and...
CALL FOR PAPERS: Sustainable Earth 2017 – A global forum for connecting research with action (29 and 30 June 2017, Plymouth University) SUBMISSION DEADLINE: 5th...
Useful Online Toolkit for helping organisations to implement travel work plans.