Human Resources departments work closely with sustainability issues every day, although this may not be the traditional understanding of HR’s role at your...
Please note: This event took place on the 13th December 2017. The minutes and resources are available on the Sustainability Exchange here. The Waste Management Topic...
The University Commitment to the SDGs is a short statement, for signing by the head of the university, that affirms the university’s intention to support and promote the...
Technology, which is increasingly sophisticated and interconnected, is being adopted at pace and is having an unprecedented impact on businesses, society and people at large.
Science is fundamental to many of the Goals and the 169 accompanying targets. This issue of the environmental SCIENTIST explores its role, in partnership with policy, business...
AUDE's Higher Education Estates Management Report (EMR) 2017
Last week the Environmental Association for Universities and Colleges (EAUC) submitted a response to the Government consultation 'Leading by example: cutting energy bills...
SDG resources for teaching professionals
University of Reading - carbon reduction case study with Salix funding
The Lincoln College Group - carbon reduction case study with Salix funding
Share your ideas and good practice by submitting either a campus or academic workshop proposal! We’re currently in the planning stages for the 22nd EAUC Annual...
IT has the potential to impact the planet in hugely positive ways and, at the same time, may have large detrimental impacts. Emissions from IT are almost equivalent to those of...
The EAUC-Scotland Forum meeting will be held at Fife College, St Brycedale campus, on the 7 December 2017. The Scotland Forum is a chance for everyone to discuss...
Sector response required EAUC are developing a sector response to the consultation on the review of the QAA Quality Code for Higher Education...
Salix Finance is pleased to announce three CPD certified Combined Heat and Power (CHP) workshops in November and December 2017. The CHP workshops are free to attend and are...
Increasingly, concerns about health outcomes in a range of contexts are linked to transport and mobility issues. This 4-days residential course considers health, wellbeing and...
The Society for the Environment recognises Environmental Science Professor for “contributions of the highest level”. University of the West of England (UWE)...
University of East Anglia (UEA) have committed to achieving a 25% reduction in CO2 emissions by 2020 and as part of this process have appointed leading energy firm Vital Energi...
The college group used £704,849 of Salix interest free funding to replace 7,000 inefficient light fittings throughout their estate, resulting in significant carbon and...
The University of Reading identified fume cupboards that had been running 24/7 since they were installed, and by investing a total of £1,010,000, they undertook a...