This session will present the experiences of working in partnership with a third-party provider to implement a ‘mass’ staff engagement platform that rewards staff -...
This interactive workshop will involve a shortened version of the internationally successful 'Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Summit' from the University of...
This workshop is to open up a discussion about institutional-level mapping of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. This will be a collaborative learning experience...
This workshop will provide you with insight into the useful management and developmental tool.
The Sustainable City Challenge is a staff engagement programme designed to involve all staff.
Fundamental to our approach is an integrated Student Development Programme which includes the Leeds Sustainable Curriculum, a University-wide programme of integrating...
Based on interviews with sustainability leaders in UK universities, this session presents a structured means to understand leadership styles, traits and behaviours that catalyse...
This international session is an update on the Accord’s progress and how signatories are benefiting from it.
Leadership and commitment is now at the centre of the new ISO14001:2015 standard.
Keele’s 600+ acre campus with its own energy infrastructure, is a unique and genuine living laboratory for smart, clean energy research and development.
The workshop is an innovative and enjoyable way to understand the fundamental principles of the impact of construction materials on the environment using gamification.
This presentation will introduce the key elements of our award-winning module, which embeds Sustainability with Employability as core in the final year of all NBS undergraduate...
This session will explore how sustainability can be advanced through interdisciplinarity, and how this can contribute to breaking down barriers between university and community.
This session will outline some of the work of the group so far and the expected project outputs, giving attendees the opportunity to inform the project working group of what...
We aimed to develop a shared understanding and route maps for sustainability locally with students at the centre. These collaborations enabled students to be agents of change,...
Find out about our pioneering partnership approach, including the development of an innovative Environmental Educational Fund that supports the delivery of an ambitious...
Learn from a recent graduate whose curriculum project is now being used by the partners as she interns for the City Council.
This session will detail the approach, and show how it can be replicated at any institution, within any subject area. SDGs are not just for developing countries - they are for...
Introducing a new EAUC toolkit designed for anyone working to influence senior management change on sustainability in a FHE context.
In early 2016, Splendid Fred Records produced an original album of songs about Climate Change called ‘This Changes Everything'. This session will tell the story of...