2021 Next Generation Learning and Skills - ESSEC Business School - France
iMagination Week aims at enriching students culturally by taking them out of their environment. The iMagination Week confronts them with transdisciplinary experts, instilling a "visionary" spirit. Its objective is to help them become aware of the challenges of the society they are going to build and start questioning their contribution.
This week is dedicated to creativity and trans disciplinarity. It takes place on 2 continents (Cergy Campus and Singapore Campus) and has reached nearly 10,000 students since its creation in 2012.
During the week, students build a project in teams about the theme “TransitionS” in a very large scale (mobility, energy, education, healthcare, behaviours, etc), future of innovation and responsibility.
It aims at helping them develop their critical skills for their future professional life: creativity, collaboration, critical thinking, and inquisitive posture. Stimulating their imagination is key to enhance responsible innovation.